What is Emmie's major?
Earth Science Education
Taylor Swift switched from what genre to what genre of music?
Country to pop
What type of severe weather has been impacting California the most?
This sign has the reputation of being sad.
This TV show stars 6 apartment roommates who go through life together.
Who is Emmie's celeb crush?
Bill Hader
This political figure was conspired to be the zodiac killer.
Ted Cruz
Name the 3 types of rocks.
Sedimentary, metamorphic, igenous
Which sign relates to the image you put out to others?
This show is about how survivors of the zombie apolocalypse adapt and create new life.
The Walking Dead
What health issue does Emmie have right now?
Thyroid Disorder
What is the name of Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Titanic?
What kind of cloud is associated with thunderstorms?
The most iconic sign is?
Name 3 Leonardo DiCaprio movies.
Who is Emmie's favorite artist?
Kid Cudi
Name all 3 Spiderman actors.
Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland
What type of severe weather takes up the least amount of space?
What sign is Bill Hader?
This horror movie franchise stars Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson.
The Conjuring
What are the 4 mental illnesses Emmie is diagnosed with?
Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, PTSD
Who is Jake Gyllnehaal's godmother?
Jaime Lee Curtis
Which planet helps prevent asteroids and meteors reach Earth?
What is Emmie's big 3?
Pisces sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising
This movie stars Michael Cera, Chris Evans, Mary Elizabeth Winsted, Aubrey Plaza, Mae Witman and more, what is it?
Mel would call this a niche movie
Scott Pilgrim vs the World