Book Smarts
Street Smarts
Black & White
Some Grey Area

Folks who are book smart prioritize this process of receiving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

What is education?


Street smarts encompass the use of this practical judgment in a manner that is naturally shared by nearly all people. 

What is common sense?


This certificate is awarded by a high school or college to show that someone has successfully completed a course of study.

What is a diploma?


Historians say there has been no evidence to prove that pirates actually took part in this wooden punishment on board a ship during a mutiny.

What is walking the plank?


In school, many students prefer English, Social Studies, or even Science, as this other subject is considered to be more "black and white".

What is math?


Nearly a month after the Season 17 finale aired for this ABC medical drama, Netflix released the season for viewers to enjoy in July of 2021.

What is Grey's Anatomy?


Typically found before the written book, this page matches each chapter with the respective page number that it begins on.

What is the table of contents?


Street smarts is a concept that derived from living in these densely populated areas where safety is a higher concern.

What are cities?


At the end of Star Wars: A New Hope, Princess Leia awarded these two heroes a medal. Chewbacca, however, was left out.

Who are Han Solo and Luke Skywalker?


During the reign of terror, this decapitating device was used on anyone opposed to the cause of the French Revolution.

What is the guillotine?


Of the 88 keys on a standard piano, 36 are black while these many are white.

What is 52?


After his death as "The Grey" in the first Lord of the Rings film, this wizard is brought back to life as "The White" for the other 2 installments.

Who is Gandalf?


Also referred to as an epigram, this optional page is provided by authors who feel that a shoutout is required for one or more special individuals.

What is the dedication (acknowledgments)?


Whether it be learning numbers with the Count or how to treat friends with Elmo, this PBS show teaches children how to be smarter.

What is Sesame Street?


In Pixar's Cars, Lightning McQueen discovered that this character was talented enough to have won 3 Piston Cups over the course of his racing career.

Who is Doc Hudson / Hudson Hornet?


Voldemort used this Unforgivable Curse to inflict pain on his victims before putting them out of their misery.

What is the Cruciartus Curse (Crucio)?


Thanks to the powers of the Scarlet Witch, this Marvel show featured a couple of its beginning episodes in black in white to serve as a 50s/60s parody.

What is WandaVision?


The alcohol content of this French vodka, first produced in the 1990s, can reach up to 80 proof.

What is Greygoose?


This alliterative library system is a way to arrange books by placing them on the shelf according to subject using numbers from 000 to 999.

What is the Dewey Decimal System?


In 2015, this Tesla CEO predicted self-driving cars that could travel “anywhere” would be here within 2 or 3 years. As of 2021, he wasn't entirely wrong.

Who is Elon Musk?


For brewing the best Living Death potion in class, Harry Potter was lucky enough to be rewarded with a vial of this serum by Professor Slughorn.

What is Felix Felicis?


In psychology, taking something good or desirable away from someone in order to improve behavioral skills is a form of this type of punishment.

What is negative punishment?


In Ancient Chinese philosophy, this black and white symbol describes how opposite forces may actually be complementary and give rise to each other.

What is Yin & Yang?


This old grey donkey was Winnie-the-Pooh's friend who always saw things in a gloomy light.

Who is Eeyore?


This book "crosses" off the box for being the most commonly owned on the planet.

What is the Bible?


This Garden State on the east coast is the only state where you must be at least 17 (not 16) to obtain a driver's license.

What is New Jersey?


This highest-ranked military award differs in style depending on the branch that the receiver is in.

What is the Medal of Honor?


Adopted in 1791, this U.S. Constitutional Amendment prohibits the federal government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment.

What is the 8th Amendment?


One of the wild animals in black and white whose name ends with the letter "a".

What is a panda, orca, or zebra?


Earl Grey tea is flavored with oil of bergamott from this citrusy fruit.

What is an orange?
