While she was getting water from a well, a man asked her for a sip of water. She quickly gave him a drink and offered to draw water for the man's camels.
She became the mother of twin sons.
If you want to check what has recently been added to the website what button do you need to press?
See What's New
In explaining why there is a designer behind all living things, what illustration is used in Hebrews 3:4?
Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.
From the Watchtower, February 2021 study article, 'Understanding Headship in the Congregation', is every brother the head of every sister?
The short answer is No.
A brother is not the head of all sisters in the congregation, Christ is.
In the Drama - 'Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith- Part I',
after giving the King the interpretation of the dream of the Immense Tree, how long did Daniel have to wait to see the fulfillment of it?
A) - 6 months B) - 10 months C) - 12 months
C) - 12 Months.
She was the wife of a wealthy but harsh man.
To keep peace, she was willing to apologize for something that was not her fault.
On the home page of JW.ORG what is the current 'featured article' ?
A) - Who Will Save the Earth?
B) - Will Terrorism Ever End?
C) - What does it mean to be a 'Good Samaritan'?
B) - Will Terrorism Ever End?
In the series, Become Jehovah's Friend, Lesson 24 is entitled 'Jehovah Designed All Things'.
What is the animal that Sophia really loves?
(its on the top of her pencil)
Why did Jehovah design it so beautifully?
For us as humans to enjoy.
In our Christian Life and Ministry, section 'Sample Conversations- Inital Call'.
Over the past few months what scripture was used to answer the question, 'How do we know that our suffering is not punishment from God?'
James 1: 13
'When under trial. let no one say: "I am being tried by God". For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.
In the talk 'Keep Testing Whether you are in the Faith - How?
Our faith was likened to a vehicle.
The engine referred to our _____ Devotion
The brakes referred to our F____ of ___d
The horn referred to our S_____ out our M_______, teaching others.
Engine - Godly Devotion
Brakes - Our Fear of God
Horn - Sounding out our Message, Teaching Others.
She was a faithful woman who willingly accepted serious responsibility.
She had an excellent knowledge of the scriptures.
Mary (the mother of Jesus)
In what year was the mobile device app for Bible reading and study called 'JW Library' released?
A) -2016 B)- 2014 C) - 2013
C) -2013
In the article 'The Dog's Sense of Smell', posted on the website recently, 'A dog's sense of smell is thousands of times more refined than ours.
.................enables a dog to differentiate between components of a complex scent.
For example we can smell a soup, but a dog can...
detect every ingredient in the recipe.
In the Pure Worship Book, Chapter 11 -' I Have Appointed You as a Watchman', what motivated Jehovah to appoint watchmen and what sort of message does a watchman proclaim?
Because He cares for his people and wanted to save lives.
Jehovah's watchmen always proclaimed warnings and delivered good news.
In the Symposium - 'Use Creation to Build Your Faith - Oceans'.
The Red Sea has an average depth of 1600 feet.(488 meters). What was the estimated depth at the point where the Israelites crossed it?
A) - 40 feet deep B) - 50 feet deep C) - 65 feet deep
B) - 50 feet deep. (15 meters)
Selected before his birth to be a prophet. Served God faithfully for over 65 years.
What original songs have been arranged to sing on the last day of our Regional Conventions, over the past four years?
Give me _________ 2018
__________ Love - 2019
____ Joy _________ - 2020
_____ Eyes of _____ - 2021
Give me Courage - 2018
Unfailing Love - 2019
Our Joy Eternally - 2020
With Eyes of Faith - 2021
Orb-weaving spiders produce seven types of silk. The sturdiest known as dragline silk, is lighter than cotton yet, ounce for ounce, is stronger than steel.
If enlarged to the size of a football field, a web of dragline silk could stop what?
A) - A Jumbo Jet in flight.
B) - A Freight Train going at full speed.
C) - A bird flying at full speed.
A) - A jumbo jet in flight.
From the Watchtower, July 2021 Study Article, 'Imitate Jehovah's Endurance', out of the nine (9) things Jehovah has chosen to endure, what were the first four (4)?
1) The r_______ brought on his name.
2) The o________ to his sovereignty.
3) The rebellion of some of his c________.
4) The constant l______ of the Devil.
1) The reproach brought on his name.
2) The opposition to his sovereignty.
3) The rebellion of some of his children.
4) The constant lies of the Devil.
Her picture is on the Sunday program for our 'Powerful By Faith! Convention. She is one of the 'strong women of faith' who was discussed in the symposium that morning? Who is she?
A) - Hannah
B)- The Phoenician woman
C) - The Captive Israelite Girl.
C) - The Captive Israelite Girl
She acted decisively when Sisera, the chief of the Canaanite army, showed up in her camp.
While he was sleeping she executed him. She fulfilled the prophecy in Judges 4:9 - 'It will be into the hand of a woman that Jehovah will give Sisera'.
As of September 2021, how many languages are available on the JW.ORG Website?
A) - 900
B)- 1,205
C) - 1,036
In the series, Was it designed? - Your Sense of Taste. It has been estimated that about 75% of what we call taste is actually the result of what we can smell.
The five million odor receptors in our nose allow us to detect how many unique odors?
A) - 5,000 B) - 10,000 C) - 15,000
B) - Around 10,000 unique odors.
In our Christian Life and Ministry section, 'Treasures From Gods Word', - 'Learn From Word Pictures in an Inspired Song'.
What three good illustrations (Word Pictures) are found in Deuteronomy Chapter 32?
Our teaching can be like the d__.
Jehovah is the ____k.
Jehovah protects his people like an eagle protects its y______g.
Our teaching can be like the dew.
Jehovah is the Rock.
Jehovah protects his people like an eagle protects its young.
In the Drama, 'Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith- Part I', before Daniel is taken to Babylon, what two (2) animals are Daniel and his sister pretending to be while playing "Noah's Ark'?
Daniel was pretending to be an _le____t.
His sister pretended to be a __o_.
Daniel - Elephant
Daniel's sister - Lion