1st - 3rd Gen Consoles
4th - 8th Gen Consoles
PC and Mobile Gaming
Modern Gaming (Issues)
Grab Bag Terminology

Japanese console that revitalized the American games market.

What is Famicom/NES?


Only 5th Gen Console that used game cartridges

What is Nintendo 64?

Country in which Nokia was founded

What is Finland


Country that popularized eSports.

What is South Korea?


A more dangerous form of doxxing involving prank calling police to a target's house either to intimidate and/or harm them. Swatting implies the real dangers of gaming toxicity seeping in to the real world and indicates the real consequences of toxic behavior online. Livestreaming and voice chatting make Swatting an enticing form of revenge and can carry legal penalities.


First independent game developer and publisher.

What is Activision?

1991 game that revitalized the arcade scene.

What is Street Fighter II?


Mainstream computer operating system in 1995 for gaming and everyday use.

What is Windows 95?


Online gaming distribution service that streamlined fan modding support

What is Steam?


PC Bang

Korean internet cafes that popped up in the late 1990s and early 2000s. These cafes played host to a number of popular MMO games and would serve as the basis for eSports. PC Bangs were home turfs for players or teams.
Home Console not redesigned and renamed for the American Market.

What is Atari 7800?

7th Gen console that pioneered motion technology
What is Nintendo Wii

Core gaming genre of PC Gaming in the early 2000s

What is MMORPG?

Famous court case that ruled video games were protected under the 1st Amendment

What is Brown vs Merchants Assn.?


Fan Labor

Refers to creative activities undertaken by fans of any given form of interest, physical or digital. In the case of games, it can take the form of modding, fan art, and even fan games. Fan Labor emphasizes continued support and enthusiasm for a game franchise, extending the game's lifespan post release and fostering diverse communities centered around fan content and game conversation.

Three Reasons for the Video Game Crash of 1983

Oversaturation of game consoles


Competition with early PCs


Online gaming network service that suffered a complete shutdown in 2011 for three weeks 

What is Playstation Network?


Three gaming trends/mechanics popularized by Doom (1993).

What is multiplayer, shareware, and modding?


These Games (3x) were known for their ultraviolent and sexual nature and garnered national controversy  in Congress

What is Doom, GTA, and Manhunt



Aka: Entertainment Software Rating Board. This was a regulatory, rating  board formed in response to the growing controversies of violent and sexual video games being marketed to children. ESRB was Congress' attempt to curb the negative influences of violent video games to the masses and especially with its attempt to connect violent games to real violent beahvior.


List 3 features that defined early (1st gen) video games.

Coin-operated, mass produced game cabinets

Simple home consoles with built-in games or removable cartridges

Black and white graphics, basic sprites, no sounds


The first major convention to show of the latest in gaming technology

What is Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)?

Common monetization methods (3x) for mobile gaming

What is freemium, pay once, and free with ads.

Technological breakthroughs and mechanics that enable gaming toxicity.

What is text chat, voice chat, multiplayer games, lootbox mechanics?


Gambler's Fallacy

This gambling concept refers to one being falsely reassured of a high-value item if they gamble enough. The concept is readily applied to video game lootboxes as part of the microtransaction business model, where through a hidden pitty mechanic, if players open enough lootboxes, they will eventually get a high value item. The Gambler's Fallacy is particular dangerous in that it reinforces addictive behaviors, especially in microtransaction games marketed toward young children (mobile games). This fallacy has raised political concern with attempts made at regulating or punishing game companies that implement lootboxes in their games.
