Song by Plot
Harry Potter

In Avatar: the Last Airbender, Toph becomes the first person to ever bend this substance, which is commonly found in the middle of the period table and is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

What is Metal?


A song in which the narrator claims to have sweaty palms, weak knees, and heavy arms.

What is Lose Yourself by Eminem?


The spell used for disarming and Harry’s signature move.

What is Expelliarmus?


He was famously introduced as a new introduction to the MCU in Captain America: Civil War, and went on to star alongside Chris Pratt in Pixar’s Onward and play Drake in the Uncharted movies.

Who is Tom Holland?


The capital of Arizona.

What is Phoenix?


The thing (stored in chloroplasts) that gives plants it’s green color and allows for photosynthesis.

What is Chlorophyll?


A song in which the narrator claims that, although the titular character was extremely beautiful and seductive, they aren’t lovers and the kid she has is not his son.

What is Billie Jean by Michael Jackson?


A student at Hogwarts who opened the Chamber of Secrets while he was at school and went on to adopt a new name and become a famous Dark wizard.

Who is Tom Marvolo Riddle?


He’s famous for being the lead in Mission Impossible, Top Gun, and Jack Reacher.

Who is Tom Cruise?


Two explorers that went west in America and met Sacagawea after Thomas Jefferson gained a ton of land with the Louisiana Purchase.

Who are Lewis and Clark?


A famous radioactive element with atomic number 92 and an isotope with mass 238 that slowly decays into lead.

What is Uranium?


This song was playing when we first entered six flags, and the narrator warns us that we’re in the city of wonders and might be going a bit crazy. She’s also worried that she’s becoming a monster and warns us to think twice.

What is Disturbia by Rihanna?


The final author of the Marauder’s Map to die, nicknamed Moony by his friends Wormatil, Padfoot, and Prongs.

Who is Remus Lupin?


An actress with her breakthrough performance in Winter’s bone, who shortly after landed the role of a shape-shifter in the X-men prequels and an archer in The Hunger Games.

Who is Jennifer Lawrence?


The only one of the ancient wonders of the world that is still standing in Africa.

What are The Great Pyramids of Giza?


Known as the point of no return, this is the outer ring of a black hole, the place closest to it that light can reach without getting sucked in.

What is the Event Horizon?


A song in which the main character decides to wreck the car of her significant other by slashing holes in tires, scratching her name into seats, and keying the side of it, as revenge for being unfaithful.

What is Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood?



What are Imperius Curse and Cruciatus Curse.


He starred in Kung Fu Panda, School of Rock, and The Mario Brothers Movie.

Who is Jack Black?


The monarch who built the Taj Mahal after his wife died in childbirth.

Who is Shah Jahan?


The protein in blood that contains oxygen and is measured in grams per deciliter

What is Hemoglobin?


The music video of this song depicts a girl who lives in the neighboring house of her crush and talks to him by writing on a notebook and holding it up to the window. In the opening, the boy is on the phone with his upset girlfriend.

What is You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift?


The brother of the headmaster of Hogwarts, who saves Harry, Ron, and Hermione from Death Eaters by letting the kids into the Hog’s Head and telling the Death Eaters that the stag Patronus they saw was actually his goat.

Who is Aberforth Dumbledore?


An actor who I once dreamt I played soccer with, started out by starring The Office and went on to make two horror movies (about aliens that kill anyone that makes noise) with his wife.

Who is John Krasinski?


One of the only two double-landlocked countries (countries with every neighbor being a landlocked country).

What is Uzbekistan or Lichtenstein?
