This actor originally turned down the role of the beloved 90 year old Captain America because he was not comfortable taking on a role with that much commitment and fame.
Who is Chris Evans?
This is the powerhouse of the cell
What is the mitochondria
How many kids to Jake and Em want?
3 or 4
what was the first mass-produced car?
Name all 4 Beatles
Who are Paul, John, Ringo, George?
This set of brothers both auditioned for the role of Thor, the God of Thunder?
Who are Chris and Liam Hemsworth?
The earth travels around the sun in how many days?
What is 365 1/4?
What US city do Jake and Em think it would be fun to live in for a year of fun?
What is NYC?
This is the largest car manufacturer in the world
What is Toyota?
What Queen song was the most-streamed song in al of the 20th century?
What is Bohemian Rhapsody?
Xhosa, the official language spoken in South Africa is spoken in this blockbuster movie.
What is Black Panther?
Name the 3 parts of an atom?
What are the protons, neutrons, and electrons?
What’s Emily’s dream European vacation destination with Jake?
What it Italy?
What car designer made the Ford Mustang as a true performance car?
Who is Shelby?
Who is Metallica?
This actor who is notorious for revealing spoilers thought that the funeral scene in Avengers Endgame was a wedding.
Who is Tom Holland?
Name all 8 planets in our solar system?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune?
What pets if any do Jake and Em want?
Kids are pets too haha
What iconic car manufacturer has won more 24 hour Lemans than anyone else?
What is Porsche?
In 2016 what 18th century composer sold more CD’s than Beyoncé, Adele, and Drake?
Who is Mozart?
Name all 6 infinity stones?
What are space, reality, power, mind, time, and soul?
Our bodies have how many bones
what is 206?
What is Emily’s top priority in their future home?
Lots of Love and Memories
Where was the Bentley made?
What is England?
What famous Christmas song was originally written to be a Thanksgiving song?
What is Jingle Bells?