This former slave became one of the most famous abolitionist speakers and published an autobiography detailing his experience in slavery.
Who was Frederick Douglass?
This social movement aimed to reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the United States.
What was the Temperance Movement?
This religious revival movement swept across the United States in the early 1800s, emphasizing personal salvation and social reform.
What was the Second Great Awakening?
This movement, closely tied to the abolitionist movement, sought to expand women's rights in education, employment, and politics.
What was the women's reform movement?
In order for Schafer to allow you to test in this class, one must have these two things on and in use.
What is a camera and chromebook?
This network of secret routes and safe houses helped enslaved people escape to free states and Canada.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This reformer, known as the "Father of American Public Education," advocated for free, universal schooling and teacher training programs.
Who was Horace Mann?
This world religion was most prevalent and practiced in the early United States.
This reformer and abolitionist was known for her famous speech "Ain't I a Woman?", which challenged both racial and gender inequality.
Who was Sojourner Truth?
Your allowed to use it on test day, IF you have them completed of course.
What are digital notebooks?
This former enslaved woman became a leading conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping over 70 people escape to freedom.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
Before the reforms of the 1800s, these two groups were often excluded from formal education or had limited access.
Who were women and African Americans?
The Second Great Awakening inspired many social reform movements, including these three major causes aimed at improving society.
What were the abolition movement, temperance movement, and women's rights movement?
This convention, held in 1848, was the first women's rights convention in the United States and produced the Declaration of Sentiments.
What was the Seneca Falls Convention?
Students often agree that this is indeed a top three(3) book of all time.
What is McGraw-Hill?
This abolitionist newspaper, first published in 1831, called for the immediate emancipation of all enslaved people.
What was The Liberator?
Education reformers in the early 19th century believed schooling was essential for maintaining this type of government.
What was democracy?
Large, emotional religious gatherings held outdoors during the Second Great Awakening were known by this name.
What were camp meetings?
Alongside Susan B. Anthony, this woman co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments and was a leading figure in the women's suffrage movement.
Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
"I'm unpinning my screen, because it is the..."
What is "camera on icon"?
This 1833 organization, founded by William Lloyd Garrison, sought the immediate abolition of slavery in the United States.
What was the American Anti-Slavery Society?
Many temperance advocates believed that alcohol was responsible for these societal problems, including crime, poverty, and domestic violence.
What were social ills?
The Second Great Awakening led to the rapid growth of this Protestant denomination, which became the largest in the United States by the mid-1800s.
What was Methodism? Or we'll take Baptists!
This early women's rights activist refused to support the 15th Amendment because it did not grant women the right to vote.
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
This classic 2010's musical artist makes not only some of the greatest music in recorded history, but sings beautifully about history itself.
Who is Mr.Betts?