Could be Anything
Time Travel Pop Culture
Keeping Up
Cyber Crime

What iconic game show host released his autobiography Priceless Memories in 2009?

Who is Bob Barker?


What 1993 film features Bill Murray as a narcissistic weatherman and a time loop in Punxsutawney, PA?

What is Groundhog Day?


Which actress, known for her roles in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, recently passed away at age 89?

Who is Maggie Smith?


Which Disney's cartoon character's love interest is named John Smith?

Who is Pocahontas'?


North Korean hackers, the Lazarus Group, believed to be behind the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, exposed internal emails and threatened the release of what Seth Rogan film?

What is The Interview?


What orange hybrid was accidentally created in the 19th century by the French missionary Clement Rodier?

What is Clementine?


What movie features Kyle Reese travelling back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor?

What is The Terminator?


Which U.S. state recently became the first to ban Froot Loops and other snacks with artificial dyes from school cafeterias, taking effect in 2027?

What is California?


What famous ex-boyfriend of Jennifer Aniston once guest-starred on the TV show "Friends"?

Who is Brad Pitt?


In 2017, hackers breached Netflix and leaked unaired episodes of what hit prison show, demanding a ransom?

What is Orange is the New Black?


With over 3 million residents, what is Spain's most populous city?

What is Madrid?


In X-Men: Days of Future Past, whose consciousness is sent back in time by Kitty Pryde to alter history and prevent a catastrophic future?

What is Wolverine's?


In college football news, Alabama blew a 28-0 lead before securing a late win against which rival on September 28?

What is Georgia?


Who sang "That's Alright Mama"?

Who is Elvis?


In 2013, hackers broke into which major U.S. retailer's systems and stole over 70 million customer records, including names, email addresses, and credit card numbers?

What is Target?


Appearing in several Stephen King works, Castle Rock is a fictional small town in what U.S. state?

What is Maine?


The Planet Express Ship is a time-traveling spaceship in what animated sci-fi comedy created by Matt Groening?

What is Futurama?


Pesto, the recent viral baby bird sensation from Sea Life Melbourne, belongs to what species?

What is Penguin?


In which film did Michael Douglas play the part of Gordon Gekko?

What is Wall Street?


In 1988, Robert Tappan Morris created the first widely known version of what self-replicating malware, unintentionally crippling parts of the early internet?

What is Computer Worm/Morris Worm?


"The Mighty Megalosaurus" was the pilot episode of what ABC series featuring puppets and animatronics from The Jim Henson Company?

What is Dinosaurs?


What 1995 sci-fi thriller sees prisoner James Cole, played by Bruce Willis, traveling back in time to gather information about a deadly virus?

What is 12 Monkeys?


What new Coca-Cola flavor, introduced in February 2024, is being discontinued just six months after its debut? 

What is Coca-Cola Spiced?


Who stars as Rick Santoro in the 1998 movie "Snake Eyes"?

Who is Nicholas Cage?


Which U.S. whistleblower leaked classified NSA documents in 2013, revealing the scope of government surveillance programs like PRISM?

Who is Edward Snowden?


What accessory is depicted in the famous Arby's logo?

What is a Hat?


In the NBC series Heroes, who is the computer programmer character from Tokyo that can bend time and space, allowing for time travel?

Who is Hiro Nakamura?


What major league baseball team recently broke the record for most losses in a single season in the modern era?

Who are the Chicago White Sox?


Who played Tonto on the TV series "The Lone Ranger"?

Who is Jay Silverheels?


Which hacktivist group, known for its Guy Fawkes masks, took down websites of organizations like PayPal and the Church of Scientology in defense of online freedom?

What is Anonymous?


Who received two Best Director nominations in 2001 for the films Erin Brockovich and Traffic, winning the Oscar for the latter?

Who is Steven Soderbergh?


What is the name of the Diana Gabaldon book series where an ancient stone circle transports a nurse back in time to 18th century Scotland?

What is Outlander?


The Oakland A’s became the first Major League Baseball franchise to move four times; which city did they originally start in back in 1901?

What is Philadelphia?


Who was born Sarah Jane Mayfield?

Who is Jane Wyman?


Which infamous Russian hacker group is known for attacking JBS, the world’s largest meat processor, causing plant shutdowns and leading to an $11 million ransom payment?

What is REvil?


What Dominican fashion designer received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America in 1989?

Who is Oscar de la Renta?


In the D.C. comic universe, who is the time-travelling scientist-turned-criminal speedster from the future who is the arch enemy of The Flash?

Who is Thawne? (Eobard) 


A sword bearing the name of which ancient Egyptian pharaoh was recently unearthed at the Tell Al-Abqain fort in Egypt?

Who is Ramses II?


Who sang the 1995 song "Boom Boom Boom"?

Who are The Outhere Brothers?


Which malware, believed to be a state-sponsored attack, was used in 2010 to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program by infecting its uranium enrichment facilities

What is Stuxnet?
