Artists like Joan Miró used drawing sticks called these, also a term for any soft shade of color
This soft substance is used in nuclear reactor cores & pencils
This tiny parasitic insect, from the family Cimicidae, feeds exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals and is known for infesting human habitats.
Bed bugs
In Mexico to laze around is "echar la hueva", literally to toss this food item
A person deprived of liberty
Add chalk or clay to this basic type of liquid pigment & you get an opaque, matte type of paint called gouache
The Pallas's cat is called the world's this superlative; it's not just the face--it's only successful on a third of its hunts
The males of this insect better be doing a word in their name, as females often bite their heads off after mating
Praying mantis
In the Netherlands "So it's like that!" is "O, op die fiets", "On that" this transport the Dutch love
A non-reigning male member of a royal family who may prefer to drive a "little red corvette"
Seen here, John Vanderlyn's "Palace and Gardens of Versailles" is this type of piece, from the Greek for "all" & "sight"
In this iconic Pulp Fiction scene, Jules Winnfield recites a Bible verse while holding a man at this, demanding he reflect on his actions
Types of this destructive insect include subterranean, drywood & dampwood
In parts of the Middle East & Asia a payment that can be construed as a tip or bribery is known by this word from the Persian
A southwest city founded in 1870, & remember, "Harry Potter & the Wonders of Yuma" was never written
Though some Dutch vanitas paintings of the 17th century contain people, most involve inanimate objects & are called these
Still life
Varieties of this include star ruby, oro blanco & pink
Perhaps to kill parasites, some birds encourage angry ants to spray this substance on their plumage
Formic acid
Ronald Reagan adapted the Russian saying "Doveryai, no proveryai" into this 3-word maxim about nuclear weapons deals
Trust but verify
A private room in a house, or a John Grisham novel about a death row prisoner
Nothing to do with noodles, it's the 7-letter Italian technique of laying on paint thickly
Engines don't turn the main rotors on these flying machines; they self-lift due to air flow
Not sounding much like biology-speak, it's the 6 letter word for the figure-8 dance bees use to tell others the distance & direction to food
This language of the Aztecs has added many food words to modern English, including avocado, chili & tomato
In Arthurian legend, these sacred objects, including the Sword, the Spear, the Grail, and the Dish, were said to bestow great power upon those who possessed them