What is a female fox called?
A Vixen
Sliced apples sautéed in butter are a classic filling for these French pancakes
This flavoring comes from a mixture of coffee and chocolate
What kind of animal is Wilbur in Charlotte's Web?
A pig
What vegetable can grow up to 35 inches long?
A Cucumber
What body part can help determine the age of a Lion?
The Nose
The name of this Caribbean liqueur is from the Spanish word for “aunt Mary.”
Tia Maria
This Norse god had iron gloves a belt of strength & a magic hammer
What famous river does Tom Sawyer live on in the Mark Twain novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?"
The Mississippi River
What color did carrots naturally grow in before being genetically modified?
What animal has the thickest fur of any mammal?
Sea Otter
White, black, & green types of this drink all come from the same plant—Camellia sinensis.
What is Wendy's last name in Peter Pan?
In Harry Potter who is the head of the Gryffindor house?
Professor McGonagall
Some people use this vegetable to temporarily dye their hair red?
A Pandemonium
Garbanzo beans commonly go by this name as well
It is said he may have been poisoned on St. Helena by Arsenic in his wallpaper
Napolean Bonaparte
What is the name of the dragon guarding treasure in "The Hobbit"
This plant is thought to be a vegetable, but is actually a fruit
A Tomato
How many legs does a Lobster have?
To make mousse d’ecrevisses, you need at least 30 of these freshwater crustaceans
What is the official job title of the person who directs the largest library in the world?
The Librarian of Congress
In what series of books do the Beudelaire children appear?
A Series of Unfortunate Events
This vegetable was used as currency in ancient Greece?