The number of "Great Annual [or seasonal] Festivals" held every year
What is three? [De. 16:16, Ex. 23:15-16a, Le. 23:24-26]
Matthew, Mark and Luke all recorded the apostles inquiry of this sign
What is the Sign of Christ's Presence? [Mt. 24:3, Mr. 13:4, Lu. 21:7]
When the faithful and discreet slave gives us our food
What is at the proper time? [Matt. 24:45, Luke 12:42]
Two monuments were set up at this river when Jehovah brought the Israelites into the Promised Land
What is the Jordan River? [Jos. 4:4-9]
Letters were commonly scribed on pottery, clay and this material in ancient times.
What is papyrus?
Death was the penalty for any male who failed to attend this festival
What is the Passover? [Nu. 9:9-13]
Jehovah gave this to Noah [and all mankind] as a sign of his covenant to never again destroy mankind by floodwaters
What is the rainbow? [Ge. 9:12-17]
How Paul described the last days and the general attitude of mankind in his second letter to Timothy
What are critical times? [2 Tim. 3:1-5]
The name Jacob gave to the place where he set up a stone pillar and anointed it with oil after Jehovah confirmed the Abrahamic covenant toward him.
What is Bethel? [Ge. 28:10-19]
This festival, later called Pentecost, meaning 50th [Day] was celebrated 50 days from Nisan 16, the day the barley sheaf was offered
What is the Festival of Weeks [Ex. 34:22] or Festival of Harvest [Ex. 23:16]?
This element, placed above the doorway, served as a sign for Jehovah's angel to passover or spare the firstborn
What is blood? [Ex. 12:12,13]
An expression that no longer appears in the 2013 Revised NWT, but is now commonly rendered as "forever", "eternity" or "everlasting"
What is "time indefinite"? [Isa. 40:28, Ps. 90:2, Ec. 1:4]
After concluding a covenant of peace with this relative, Jacob erected a pillar or monument in the mountainous region of Gilead as a reminder.
Who was Laban, his father-in-law? [Gen. 31:44-52]
Also known as the Festival of Tabernacles, Ingathering or a Festival to Jehovah, this festival celebrated the ingathering of fruits and focused on joyful thanksgiving to Jehovah
What is the Festival of Booths? [Le. 23:34-39]
A "sign from heaven" was demanded from Jesus by these two religious groups
Who are the Pharisees and Sadducees? [Mt. 16:1]
The duration for which the tree in Nebuchadnezzar's vision remained chopped down and banded.
What are seven times? [Dan. 4:14-16, 23]
This wannabe king constructed a monument to himself because he had no sons to keep his name alive after his death.
Who is Absalom? [2 Sam. 18:18]
This 7-day Festival began immediately following the Passover and served as a reminder of Israel's deliverance from affliction and bondage
What is the Festival of Unfermented Cakes? [Ex. 12:14-20]
Jesus fulfilled this "sign" when he was in the tomb for 3 days and then resurrected
What is the Sign of Jonah? [Mt. 12:39-40]
In a two-fold prophesy, Jerusalem would be "trampled on" until this era began
What is the appointed times of the nations (or the Gentile times)? [Luke 21:24]
The Hebrew word "yadh" which can be translated monument is most commonly translated as this body part
What is a hand? [2 Sa. 15:12]