How many pennies are in a dollar?
What does Ariel have to do with Eric within 3 days if she wants to stay with him as a human?
Kiss him
Candy that shares a name with something you do with your lips
Name 2 4th grade teachers
Mrs. Morse, Ms. Hanlin, Ms. Williamson, Ms. Walker
Name a beach in Coos Bay
Bastendorff, sunset
If you had 4 bags of chocolate and each bag had 5 pieces of chocolate, how many pieces of chocolate would you have?
4 bags
5 pieces of chocolate in each
4 x 5 = 20
This Shakespeare romantic story has been made into many movies. The 2 main characters who are in love take their own lives at the end.
Romeo and Juliet
Candy with chocolate on the outside and peanut butter on the inside
Reese's peanut butter cup
Name 1 assistant principal
Ms. Boice
Ms. Russell
What city is next to Coos Bay?
North Bend
How many days are in the month of February?
What kind of man is Princess Jasmine expected to marry in Aladdin?
A prince
Fluffy candy that comes in pink and blue
Cotton candy
What time is school over?
How many Taco Bells are in Coos Bay/North Bend?
1 on Newmark, 1 on 1st street, 1 on Virginia
What Mario character sings about Peach(es)?
Wall-E's girlfriend
This valentine's candy has special notes of love written on each one
Conversation hearts
What currency can you earn at Sunset for doing the right thing?
Dolphin dough
What famous Olympic runner was from Coos Bay?
Steve Prefontaine
What state is Disneyland in?
Movie with Buttercup, Westley, and Prince Humperdinck
The Princess Bride
Ms. Huff likes this candy. It's long, chocolate, and comes in strawberry and vanilla.
Hint: Named after a town in Oregon
Charleston Chew
What month is spring break?
What was the original name of Coos Bay?
Hint: Name of a school in the area