What Chapter in Acts is about the Lame man at the gate beautiful?
chapter 3
Who was elected president in 1789?
George Washington
Who was the 16th president?
Abraham Lincoln
In 1958 What was the name of the first American satellite launched?
Explorer 1
What happened on September 11th 2001?
Twin towers attack
Who are the main characters in Toy Story
Woody and Buzz
True or False: Barnabas was Paul’s companion on all of his missionary journeys
False, he was only on his first journey.
When did the reign of terror begin in France?
What country did Napoleon’s Grand Army invade in 1812.
What event happened on December 7th 1941 causing the US to go to War?
attack on Pearl Harbor
What was the name of the hurricane that hit New Orleans in August 2005
What is the name of Simba’s Uncle?
How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
When was the US Navy established?
What country gifted the US the Statue of Libert?
What nations were the Axis power in WW2
Germany, Italy, Japan
When did the NASA rover land on Mars?
Jan 3rd, 2004
What movie is this picture from?
How many churches did John write to in Revelations
what was approved on July 4th 1776 by the Continental Congress?
The Declaration of Independence
Who was the man that wrote the book “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”
Charles Darwin.
What was the name of the Pandemic that broke out in 1918-1919?
The Spanish Flu
Who ran against Trump in 2016?
Hilary Clinton
What planet was Anakin Skywalker from?
Name all twelve disciples
What year did Benjamin Franklin invent the lighting rod?
In 1869 what was the first state to allow women to vote?
Who was inaugurated as president in 1909
William Howard Taft.
How many wars has the united states been in since 2000?
What color lightsabers did General Grievous have and how many?
Four, green and blue
Quote John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Who said “give me liberty or give me death”
Patrick Henry
When was the great Chicago fire?
When was the Empire State Building constructe?
Who was the vice president of Obama?
Joe Biden
Who was the commander of the 501st clones?
Captain Rex
How many times did Satan tempt Jesus and how did he tempt Him?
Bread, power, and world recognition
Who warned the colonists that the British were coming?
Paul Revere
What country did America fight in 1812
Great Britain
When did Ford become a Company
What year did Covid begin in the USA
What is the name of the Frog on the muppet?
Kermit the Frog