How many people are in Mr King’s year 11 English Class?
14. 13 Students and 1 Teacher
What is the name of the Egyptian God with a Dog/Jackal head?
Adelaide was deigned by who?
Colonel William Light
What brand of cars were made in Elizabeth up until 2017?
I’m the original TopGun, what plane to Maverick and Goose fly in?
F-14 Tomcat
What is the only team with an emoji in their name? And what is the emoji?
Cool Runnings 👟
What is the name of the most well known Soviet space dog?
Laika / Лайка
How did Duolingo die?
He got hit by a cybertruck.
Carroll Shelby has a car named after him sold by who?
What is the retired supersonic passenger jet known as?
The Concorde.
What was the first assignment in the class?
The Feature Article task.
What dog breeds are used by the ADF and Police force?
German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois
Who is the Australian PM that went for a swim and never came back?
Harold Holt.
What car does James Bond drive?
Aston Martin DB5
The Airbus A300-600 which is used to transport aircraft parts is commonly nicknamed as what marine mammal?
The Beluga.
What was the second song Finn sung in the class?
American Idiot, by Greenday
How fast can a dingo run?
60 km/ph
What 2 Australian namely glow under UV light?
Bandicoots and Platypus
Which car is known for spontaneous combustion? (It blows up randomly)
The Cybertruck
What is the most common aircraft that fly over the school?
Robinson R44 (Yellow helicopter) from Barossa helicopters
What was the answer to the question that Harry stole from Macca’s because he called out.
What dog breed/s are hairless?
Peruvian Inca Orchid
American Hairless Terrier
In Welsh mythology how do you get a werewolf to turn back?
By throwing clothes at it
What is the best selling worldwide vehicle?
Toyota Corolla
What are the 4 types of pilots that wear a parachute?
Test Pilots, Fighter Pilot, Stunt Pilots, and Glider pilots.