This guitar game is made by Activision
What is Guitar Hero
In which video did Daylon say the famous quote, "Read between the lines!"
What is Minecraft with Daylon - Death Montage
"Ah! Stop! You almost made me drop my ____!"
What is "croissant"
This T.V. show is about a group of kids that travel on a school bus that is magical
What is the hardest ore to find
What is Emerald Ore
This game is made by Infinity Ward and Treyarch
What is Call of Duty
What is my earliest video that is still public to this day
What is Minecraft Adventures (Episode 1)
Who says "much wow"
Who is Doge
The children's show is about a pet monkey and his owner that wears a big yellow hat
What is Curious George
This mob was made by accident while Notch was making the first passive mob
What is a Creeper
What was the first ever video game
What is Pong
What is After the Flash: Deep Six | June 21
Kermit's evil alter ego
Who is Dark Kermit
This TV show is a twisted tale of different Disney movie characters put together including Snow White
What is Once Upon a Time
How many dyes are there in Minecraft
What is 16
In the game Super Smash Bros Melee, this technique quickly grew in popularity and went on to inspired other game creators to implement it intentionally into their games
What is Wavedashing
Which video was Vinnie seen in
What is bess vid yet - clik b8 m8
What did she spill WUHLUHWUHLUHWUH lipstick in
What is her Valentino white bag
In this show, the contestants are sent to an island where they have to use brains and brawn to win a million dollars
What is Survivor
This is the rarest armor
What is Chainmail
The first survival horror game
What is Sweet Home
Which video game did I record and upload the most on
Super Smash Bros WiiU
Which of Katy Perry's dancers in July 2015 became a meme
Who is Left Shark
This TV show is an educational show about science that was aired on Disney Channel
What is Bill Nye the Science Guy
What name was Minecraft almost called