The TKTs booth, which has been around since 1973, offers this.
What are discounted theater tickets?
Oregon has this many state representatives.
What is 5?
The pig in the classic Charlotte's Web has this name.
What is Wilbur?
The Eiffel Tower was created by Gustave Eiffel for this year's World Fair.
What is 1889?
A helicopter was the unforgettable set piece of this musical, which opened in 1991.
What is Ms. Saigon?
These are two Oregon state Senators.
Who are Jeff Merkley Ron Wyden?
The right to a fair and speedy trial is protected by this number amendment in the Bill of Rights.
What is the Sixth Amendment?
This is the name of the high speed train that runs through France.
What is the TGV?
The Music Box theater was built to showcase this owner's revues during the 1920s.
Who is Irving Berlin?
This famous television show uses several street names from Portland.
What is the Simpsons?
The Great Gatsby was written by this author.
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?
The name of the fictional fanatic police officer on a quest to arrest a man called Jean.
What is Javert?
In this musical you would find Cunegonde, Paquette, Maximillian and Dr. Pangloss.
What is Candide?
This is the cost of an all-day bus pass in Oregon.
What is five dollars?
To Kill a Mockingbird was originally published in this year.
What is 1960?
The Bastille was stormed on this date.
What is July 14, 1789?
This 1989 musical was performed without an intermission and was directed and choreographed by Tommy Tune.
What is "Grand Hotel"?
The people wearing green uniforms belong to this Portland service.
What are the Sidewalk Ambassadors?
The defendant in the trial that takes place in Twelve Angry Men has this nationality.
What is Eastern-European?
This is the name of the World Cup winner's star right wing.
What is Mbappé?
The chorus played is of this song written by this singer.
What is Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd