What's the FIRST verse in the Holy Bible? This time you have to say the chapter and number of the verse.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesis 1:1
Who was the first woman in the Holy Bible?
What is the First BOOK in the New Testament?
Which Saint was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit?
What goes up but never comes down?
Your age.
What's the last word in the Holy Bible?
Sing all the books in the Old Testament.
What's the First STORY in the New Testament?
Jesus' birth.
Which Saint has a whole monastery for her and 40 other virgins?
What NEEDS to be broken before it can be used?
An Egg.
What's the shortest book in the Holy Bible?
P.S you don't have to say the chapter or number of the verse.
Jesus wept.
How old was Noah when he passed away?
He was 969 years old.
What are the First 4 chapters in the New Testament?
Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Which Saint died with their mother?
(Hint)I acted their mother in a theater.
What is twice a moment, never in a day, week, or year, and once in a lifetime?
The letter M.
Which Book in the Holy Bible has 151 chapters?
How much people were in Noah's ark?
8 people.
What's the First verse in the New Testament?
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.Mathew 1:1
Which Saints were disciples, twins, and apostles?
St.Peter and St.Andrew
What is half of something, can pretend to be it's other half, and other people can mix you and your other half?
A Twin.
How much books are in the Holy Bible?
Who helped Moses talk to the King?
Who replaced Juda?
Which Saint was tortured for 7 years?
What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?