The name of the popular green frog, used in hundreds of different variants displaying varying emotions.
This oceanic creature is known for being one of the most intelligent mammals on Earth.
This videogame character is characterized by a green plumber outfit and an L on his hat.
The most common organic element is known as...
the names of the two brave heroes that enter the homes of 18-year-old women and record them sleeping, then run as the women are being eaten by their deformed step-dad.
Chester and Parker
Popular "wordless song" used in comment sections and online forums as a response to "What song is this?"
Darude Sandstorm
Known as the largest known animal in the deep sea.
Blue Whale
The main character of "DOOM"'s actual, canon name.
A series of numbers obtained by adding the previous two numbers together indefinitely.
The Fibonacci Sequence
The name of the creature created by Tom Henderson that blends in with trees, and emits a "storm warning" like sound.
Siren Head
Known as "The First Meme" created and distributed widely across the internet in 1996, depicts a baby dancing to the classic song "Hooked On A Feeling" By Blue Swede.
Oogachaka Baby
This creature, formerly known as "Creature X", was discovered in 2001 with a diver camera that captured a member of this species looking directly at the camera.
Bigfin Squid
In the game "Overwatch", this character also goes by the name Soldier: 76.
John Francis "Jack" Morrison
Name the third, sixth, and eight planets from the sun.
Earth, Saturn, Neptune
The name of the main antagonist from "The Descent".
Juno (Metal Pole also accepted)
What was previously used as a reaction image to someone getting upset in 2008, evolved to become dark and sometimes uncanny with a recent revival as of 2020.
Troll Face
This ocean-floor-dwelling animal is known for changing both shape and color whenever it needs to.
Mimic Octopus
This character notoriously fought the clock to stop the moon from crashing into the Earth.
The name for a bond between a metal and a non-metal atom
Ionic Bond
The name of ancient boxes said to hold powerful spirits and demons through a wax seal.
Dybbuk Box
The origin of the classic "stripped lines" memes popular from the years 2010 - 2014. Some say the precursor to the "Doge" meme.
Rainbow Dog
A fish, known mostly for it's distinctly different deep-sea and on-land forms, notoriously dissolves and morphs when away from it's deep territory.
Blob Fish
The full name of the main, male protagonist in "The Last OF Us".
Joel Miller
Quasars, AGNs, and Radio-galaxies
In the online-investigation using Alex's spirit box and k2, what object in Emily's house did the ghost keep referring to?
The Window