This date is Ria's Birthday
What is April 15?
This phrase comes before "I got what you need" in a song written by Pop Smoke (RIP)
What is "She said What you know bout love"?
This is the correct term for baby spiders.
What is spiderlings?
The parent advisor at BLE
The name of Hannah's first Son
This is the rarest M&M color
What is brown?
This happened on the 3rd of December according to Conan Gray
What is, Me and your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you?
The amount approximate amount Ble made on their first fundraiser
What is $4.5K?
What is 1 Chronicles?
These two US states don't observe Daylight Savings Time
What is Arizona and Hawaii?
This is the title and artist attached to the 20s song played by the host.
What is Mr. Loverman - Ricky Montgomery?
The amount of time a cat stays in heat
What is 5 days?
The best and most studious student attending BLE
This person wrote the most bible books
Who is Paul?
This is the largest type of deer
What is the moose?
Name one of the songs Miley Cyrus's sister sang.
What is Lonely, Good Cry, July? (answers vary)
Do snails meow?
The first name of the "Alien Teacher"
Who is Robin?
This bible verse tells you to mind your business.
What is 1 Thes. 4:11?
In this year the first Air Jordan sneakers released
What is 1984?
Perform one of Brittany Spears hits. (must be performed by a male)
i just wanted to see this go down.
The number of noses a slug has
What is 4?
The best-looking male at BLE.
True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms?
What is False?