What is the award for most outstanding player in college football called?
Who is the author of Harry Potter?
"Bend.... and snap!"
Legally Blonde
What is the name of the main protagonist in the Legend of Zelda series?
This sport was invented in Hawaii.
What MLB stadium is often referred to as the house that Ruth built?
Yankee Stadium. DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!
This children's book depicts a spunky French girl in her boarding school in Paris.
"Po-ta-toes. Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew."
Lord of the Rings
How long is an Olympic swimming pool (in meters)?
50 meters
How many main islands make up Hawaii?
Who is the youngest player ever to win the Masters?
Tiger Woods.
This best-selling author has written over 20 books, one of which has a movie adaptation set to release in 2024 starring Blake Lively.
Colleen Hoover
"I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
Billy Madison
Which country invented tea?
What three colors are on the Hawaiian flag?
Red, white, and blue
What college did Lebron James go to?
He did not attend college.
Greta Gerwig recently directed a film adaptation of this Louisa May Alcott book.
Little Women
"Yes, I am with him. I am, uhhh, I am Mrs. Iglesias."
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What year was Pearl Harbor attacked?
What do you call it when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
This famous 1925 novel is set in New York City, with a narrator named Nick Carraway.
The Great Gatsby
"Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee."
Which animal is the mascot for the Hufflepuff house in the Harry Potter books?
A badger
How do you say "welcome" in Hawaiian?
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