This planet is famous for its rings
What is the name of the baby in Incredibles?
Jack Jack
What is the name of the fairy that Peter Pan is friends with?
Tinker Bell
What is the name of Peppa’s younger brother?
In this game you dress your character for a specific theme within a time limit.
*Daily DOUBLE opportunity*
Dress to impress
What type of animal is the lion?
A mammal
What sport does Riley play in Inside Out?
What did Cinderella lose when running home at midnight?
A glass slipper
What is the name of Peppa’s best friend?
*Daily DOUBLE*
Suzy sheep
When you have one card left, you must call out the name of this game.
In what month does Leap Day happen?
*Daily DOUBLE*
What is the name of the robot in “Big Hero 6”?
Who is the evil fairy in Sleeping Beauty?
This character likes to sleep a lot
Pedro Pony
What two video game characters are always trying to save the princess?
Mario and Luigi
What color is an emerald?
What type of fish is Nemo?
*Daily DOUBLE opportunity*
A clownfish
Which Disney princess has a raccoon as a sidekick?
What color is Mummy Pig’s dress?
How many colors are the dots on a twister game?
*Daily DOUBLE opportunity if you can name them all*
4 = Red, yellow, blue, green
How many colors are in a rainbow?
*Daily DOUBLE opportunity if you name them all*
7 = Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Who is the villain in the movie Hercules?
Finish these lyrics:
“Look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think ____ ___________ complete?
My collection’s
How many more years is Peppa older than her brother?
In this game you can build, go into dungeons and fight monsters.