How many Dynasty of Egypt were there?
31 Dynastys
Why did the people stop putting tombs in pyramids?
People called grave robbers were taking the riches from the Tombs and sometimes the mummies.
What does afterlife mean?
Life after death
when was the kingdom of Kush founded
Which Dynasty was the start of the New Kingdom?
The 18th Dynasty
Where were the Kings buried in the OLD KINGDOM?
In pyramids
What is a dynasty?
A sequence of leaders in the same family
Who was the first king of Kush?
Alara is considered the founder of Kush
Who was the first king to rule Eygpt?
Narmer or also called Menes.
Where were the Kings buried in the MIDDLE KINGDOM?
In hidden tombs
What is a hieroglyphic?
A writing system using picture symbols
Where was Kush located?
When was the first Dynasty of Egypt?
3100 B.C.
Where were the Kings buried in the NEW KINGDOM?
The Valley of The Kings
What is the Valley of Kings?
The place they buried the kings to prevent grave robbers from raiding the kings tomb.
when did Kush fall?
330 CE
What era was the old kingdom from?
(2575 BCE - 2134 BCE)
What is the 1st dynasty in Egypt called.
Dynasty 1
got em
What does EMBALMING mean?
To treat a dead body with preservatives to prevent it from decaying