Solve the following equation 2/3 * 4/5
= 49
12 * 5 = ?
= 60
Is " what is your favorite color" a statistical question?
( asked to multiple people)
Solve the following equation 3/12 * 6/4
( simplify if able.)
= 9/24
solve- 103
= 1,000
50 times 90
What is point U at in the picture?
= 8,5!!!
7/20 + 6/30 (simp)
solve - 114
80 times 95
Find the mean of these numbers
.5 * 4/10
= 0.2
Double Jeopardy
solve- 84
700 times 60
what is 37% of 600?
8/26 * x/13. What does the x represent?
x= 2
solve 125 (use a calculator!)
= 248832
88 times 77
double Jeopardy.
Is this a statistical question? " What is Averys least favorite food?"