This cunning nobleman claimed, "Chaos is a ladder," using instability to rise through the ranks of power.
Who is Petyr Baelish?
This doomed Stark muttered, "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" shortly before losing his head.
Who is Eddard Stark?
This Targaryen king's obsession with wildfire led to his downfall.
Who is Aerys II (the Mad King)?
This ancestral Stark greatsword was melted down and reforged into two Lannister swords.
What is Ice?
This ancient fortress, once home to the Starks, was said to have been built by Brandon the Builder.
What is Winterfell?
Before being named Hand of the King, Eddard Stark held this title in the North.
What is Warden of the North?
"I drank too much wine" were among the last words of this poison-stricken king.
Who is Joffrey Baratheon?
Before being usurped, this Storm King gave Aegon the Conqueror his first real battle on Westerosi soil.
Who is Argilac the Arrogant?
Though famous for wielding Lightbringer, this mythical hero's story is linked to the forging of the weapon through the sacrifice of his wife.
Who is Azor Ahai?
Despite his name, this Northern ruler bent the knee to House Targaryen rather than face conquest.
Who is Torrhen Stark?
Despite his manipulative nature, he was one of the only characters to openly acknowledge that power lies "where men believe it resides."
Who is Varys?
Before being killed in front of his daughters, this man sneered, "The Lannisters send their regards."
Who is Roose Bolton?
Known as the Dragonbane, this Targaryen king lost the last living dragons during his reign.
Who is Aegon III?
The dagger that nearly killed Bran Stark was originally owned by this nobleman before it changed hands.
Who is Petyr Baelish?
When he was killed at the Red Wedding, Robb Stark’s corpse was desecrated in this grotesque way.
What is having Grey Wind's head sewn onto his body?
After being dismissed as Hand of the King, this character bitterly remarked, "You wear your honor like a suit of armor. You think it keeps you safe."
Who is Jaime Lannister?
This Dornish prince whispered, "Elia… Elia of Dorne…" as his skull was crushed.
Who is Oberyn Martell?
Robert Baratheon mocked his own rule, saying this was the "only thing I was ever good at."
What is killing?
The first White Walker was created by this brutal method.
What is dragonglass plunged into a human's chest?
Mance Rayder, leader of the Free Folk, was executed in this manner.
What is burning at the stake?
The War of the Five Kings saw claimants fight for power, but only these two were still alive by the end of the series.
Who are Stannis Baratheon and Jon Snow?
This Night’s Watch ranger was the first on-screen death in the entire series, executed for desertion.
Who is Will?
As a child, this ruler was paraded naked through the streets to prove his legitimacy before growing up to be one of the most feared kings in Westeros.
Who is Maegor the Cruel?
This warrior of legend wielded the original Ice, which gave House Stark its name and sigil.
Who is Brandon the Builder?
This Wildling leader, said to have once stolen a Stark bride, is rumored to be the ancestor of Jon Snow.
Who is Bael the Bard?