What is the required percent tested for school grades?
What is 95%?
Which statewide end of course assessment has been discontinued?
What is Algebra 2
How much should the achievement gap for all subgroups be reduced by 2019-20?
What is 1/3?
Did Susie make a learning gain if she scored a Level 3 in 2016 in ELA and scored a Level 4 in 2017?
What is YES!
What is the NEW KG screener for 17-18?
What is Star Early Literacy?
What are the components of your school grade model?
What is
M.S. - 900
K-8 - 1100
HS - 1000
District - 1100
Name the assessment for the Algebra I EOC graduation test requirement that is being proposed as a comparative score.
Learning gains should increase by how much for ELA and MATH by 2019-20?
What is 7 percentage points?
Did Lebron make a learning gain in MATH if he scored a Level 3 in Grade 4 and scored a Level 4 in Grade 6?
What is Yes?
When is the FLKRS test given?
What is the first thirty days of school?
August 14 - September 25
What is acceleration?
What level is considered proficient on the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA)?
What is Level 3 or higher?
What subgroup has the smallest achievement gap?
What is White to Hispanic ELA and MATH?
Did Tom Brady make a learning gain if he scored a 504 on Algebra I EOC in 2017 and a 348 on Grade 8 Math in 2016?
What is Yes because they are both level 3 on different scales.
What does the Star Early Literacy assess?
What is early literacy and numeracy skills.
What are the three ways to make a learning gain?
What is improve your A/L, maintain A/L 5, maintain 3-4 +1 DSS pt, and L1-L1 and L2-L2 (sub-categories - "buckets")
Name two courses that require the FSAA EOC score to be used as 30% of the final grade?
What are FSAA Algebra 1, FSAA Algebra IB, FSAA Geometry, and FSAA Biology.
17-18 will also include FSAA US History and FSAA Civics.
Which subject (ELA-MATH-SCI-SOC STUDIES) has the greatest achievement gap across the most subgroups?
What is Science?
Do ELL students count in the calculation for ELA Learning Gains in year two? If so, how?
What is YES?
They count either by two years of FSA ELA or prior year Access for ELL linked to FSA ELA for growth.
Is the Star Early Literacy a paper/pencil assessment?
What is NO?
It is computer adaptive.
How is the bottom quartile calculated for both ELA and MATH?
What is the prior year DSS by grade level?
Which level (1-6) is considered proficient on the ACCESS for ELL 2.0?
This score is necessary in which two sub-scores?
What is 4.0 on the composite score and 4.0 on the reading score?
What is attendance and progression from grade 5 to grade 6 and grade 8 to grade 9 and grade 12 to post-secondary now part of?
What is the district report card?
How can a grade 8 student give you more than one acceleration point?
What is taking a high school EOC in grade 8 with a successful completion and also taking an industry certification with a successful completion since this is a lagged data component.
What is the new ID number that is REQUIRED on all STATE assessments for 17-18?
What is the FLEID?
This is a NEW FL student identifier. It is 14 digits long and is not the EXT ID, is not the Alias ID, and is not the SS#.