The book Kara was reading at the beginning
What is Pride and Prejudice?
The name of Sammi's Sidekick
Who is Laddu?
People enter HIVE by doing this
What is pinching the bridge of their nose?
This is located at the top of the Honeycomb in HIVE
What is Terms and Conditions?
Kara's mom's name
Who is Kimi Swift?
One hour of HIVE is equivalent to ____. This is called being ____.
What is one drink of alcohol? What is being buzzed?
Kara fell into this game at the bottom of HIVE
What is Animal Flossing?
HIVE's first big Update
What are BrainSTIM Cards?
Kara Tilden and Jason Alcorn met here
What is the Bullworth Public Library?
HIVE's top programmers are called ____
What are Architects?
Jason escaped through HIVE by using this
What is a back door? What is the 'Boredom Simulator'?
The first bug, along with Gus and Aaron, were found in this game
What is Ain't Auto Theft Grand?
People who violate HIVE polices or lose the games are then turned into ____
What are scrolls?
Kara's mom did this which caused Eric Alanick to kidnap her
What is opposing his plan to use people as power sources?
Jason Alcorn is lives in _____
What is a backroom of the Apiary?
The last Bug was found in this game
What is The Skims: Mind Your Manors?
HIVE stands for ____
What is High Integrity Virtual Environment?
The back door of Terms and Conditions was blocked by ____
What is a swarm of Drones? What are government officials?
The Bugs in the games were left by ____.
Who is Kimi Swift? Who is Kara's mom?
Jason's goal
What is returning to the 'real world'?
Name three HIVE games listed in the book?
What are Animal Flossing, The Skims, Ain’t Auto Theft Grand, A Pitfallen Idol, The Elder’s Scrawls, Brawl of Duty, Undead Undemption 2, Nightmarathon, Frisbee, but Bad, Family Feudalism, Steampunk 1877, Super Plumber’s Backyard Barbecue Enjoyment, Mass Defect, Stack Overflow, Ball 20XX, Manny the Manatee's Mix-n-Match, Dance Pants Evolution?
The bottom of Kara's boots showed this
When fleeing in Terms and Conditions, Kara and Sammi escaped into ____
What is a Hive Simulator?
Kara's mom was being held here for the past four years
What is a storage unit?