There are two main characters: one is a square, the other is a star. Under the sea.
SpongeBob square pants
How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
How many teeth do adults have? (If you are close to the number you will still get the point.)
32 permanent teeth
IMO (ex. IMO, learning a new language is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and it was so worth it.)
In my opinion
It is iconic and a new movie of it has been made "recently". PINK. Some blondes included.
What is the 3rd biggest continent.
North America
Is Zillion a real number?
No it's not
What type of blood cells fight infections and diseases?
White blood cells
DIY (ex. Thank you for signing up for the DIY art workshop!)
Do it your self
It is a house with lots of people in it. Iconic show and it is old. One of the characters died in real life I belive in 2022.
Full House
Where are the Spanish Steps located?
Rome, Italy
How much is the protractor?
What body system is the liver a part of?
Digestive System
TBA (ex. Hi all! I’m having a housewarming on the 10th of January, please save the date. The start time is still TBA, I’ll let you know shortly.)
To be announced
Based on a true story. It includes a guy that lies and gets away with it. 2 stars in the movie. Think of one of lana del ray songs she has the title in one of her songs.
Catch Me if You Can
What is the official currency of the United Kingdom?
Pound sterling
(9 + 4) x 4^3 + 4
After what age do babies start shedding tears?
One month
TGIF (ex. TGIF guys, I can’t wait for the weekend!)
Thank GOD it's Friday
She has curly hair different colors. Dogs. fashion. I think this one will be pretty easy.
What country formerly ruled Iceland?
6^2 × 2(4) + 5
Where on your body is your skin the thinnest?
FOMO (ex. I don’t think I can go to the EF Disco this weekend but I have such FOMO, I hear they’re the best!)
Fear of missing out