What gets wetter as it dries?
A towel
Double Jeopardy: What is the name of the toy that is a dog is Toy Story?
T or F: CAPS stands for Creative Before and After School programs for Success
Leave this for servers after a meal
Double Jeopardy: Which Dwarf is the only one to wear glasses?
A game with 3 colors and you stop, walk, and run
Red Light, Green Light
T or F: We come back from Spring break on April 5th
False. We come back on April 8th
When you add numbers together you are finding the...
265,359 subtracted from 314,159 then add 1,126. Multiply by 6. Add 14,603
They come out at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
Finish the title of this Game Show "Are you smarter_______"
Than a 5th Grader
Double Jeopardy: What animal does Alice use to play croquet with?
A suit men wear
Double Jeopardy: What is Stitch's experiment number
Experiment 626
Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, and Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the white house
The President
Which famous person is the game Heads Up from?
Ellen Degeneres
T or F: Fortnite was released January 25th 2018
False. It was released July 25th 2017
Name of a female deer
If you can purchase 8 eggs for 26 cents, how many can you buy for a cent and a quarter?
8 eggs. A cent is 1 penny and a quarter is 25 cents. That's 26 cents.
What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t
A TeapoT
Guess words on this popular website and you get 3 chances
Google Feud
T or F: Hangry is an official word in the Webster Dictionary
When the grass is wet in the morning this is called