As Seen
on TV
Video Game Items
Board Games

Contrary to popular belief, this empire’s practice of decimatio meaning one-tenth in Latin was more commonly used on their own soldiers as a way to keep them in line.

What is the Roman Empire?


Gungi, a game played using 13 different types of pieces that stack to create new attack patterns, is played predominantly by the King of the Chimera Ants Meruem in this TV show.

What is Hunter x Hunter?


In Sonic the Hedgehog, playable characters can use these colorful gems to unlock a golden, super transformation for Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. Although some characters are known for unlocking their capabilities through artificial versions of these gems.

What is the Chaos Emeralds?


This classic board game has players play through a murder mystery in a mansion as they guess which character killed the victim, what was used as the murder weapon, and in which room.

What is Clue?

In linear kinematics, torque causes an object to acquire angular acceleration, and uses this SI unit of measurement which combines the names of base units for length and force.



This empire is known for fighting a 100-year world war against several nations. During this time, this regime caused the perpetrated mass genocides of Dragons but also of a nomadic race of monks.

What is the Fire Nation?


In Spongebob SquarePants, this game blends various board games such as, but not limited to: Shoots n’ Latters, Operation, Craps, and Monopoly; its name is ridiculously simple.

What is "Patrick! The Game"?


JRPGs have a variety of consumables to keep your characters alive. Unlike the traditional drinkable elixir, this Nintendo game uses spray bottles to administer medicine such as paralyze heal and antidotes.

What is Pokemon?


In this horror-themed board game, players are locked inside of a dimly-lit polish prison that shifts around in complete darkness with the goal of escaping before the candle burns out.

What is The Night Cage?


Commonly used in computer science and electrical engineering, these devices use boolean algebra to determine the outcome of inputs and come in several types, including: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XOR.

What are Logic Gates?


This Warhammer 40k empire, based in the capital of Terra, is led by the God-Emperor who is served by his Abhuman soldiers also known as the Space Marines.

What is the Imperium (of Man)?


In the Amazing World of Gumball, the Watersons occasionally play this board game which includes whacky cards like “Date a sheep,” “Wear everything in the house,” and “Inverted Mermaid” which gives you a fish head, and human legs.

What is "Dodj or Daar" aka "Dodge or Dare"?


Nothing is more iconic than a big sword. This big sword in particular is the default weapon wielded by Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII, and makes various appearances in other titles such as FFIX, FFXIII, and SSBU.

What is the Buster Sword?


This easy-to-play social deduction card game has players play with two face-down character cards as they bluff their actions and counteractions to accrue or deny credits from their opposition in order to be the last person standing.

What is Coup?


This element known by its Latin name plumbum is the heaviest stable element, although is extremely toxic when consumed. Its commercial use as a material was phased out for much safer elements in 1978.

What is lead?


This alien empire known for their desire to exterminate all other life forms collapsed during the Last Great Time War. Although their soldiers are commonly mistaken as robots, their metallic casing is actually an advanced exterior battle armor.

What is the Dalek Empire?


This strategy based board game featured in Avatar: The Last Airbender has players use several notable tiles to control the board. Characters like Uncle Iroh have used this game as a secret way to communicate with fellow members of the White Lotus.

What is Pai Sho?


Castlevania’s vampire slaying protagonists are oftentimes wielding whips in order to fight hordes of monsters. This whip in particular is wielded by several notable heroes such as Simon Belmont, Trevor Belmont, and by Alucard, who uses it as a club.

What is the Morning Star?

This legacy, cooperative board game made by Isaac Childres and published in 2017 has players fight in combat scenarios using cards from their “attack modifier deck” which they improve over the course of several sessions.

What is Gloomhaven?


This pear-shaped, non-essential organ assists in the emulsification of fats in humans by storing and concentrating the bile produced by the liver. In the modern day, it is not uncommon for it to be removed due to hardened, stone-like deposits of bile.

What is the Gallbladder?


Following the end of the Clone Wars, this fascist dictatorship sprouted up after the fall of the Old Republic and traces its lineage from a Sith conspiracy to overthrow the Jedi order.

What is the Galactic Empire?


This fictional strategy game popularized by Star Trek blended a unique game board with classic game pieces such as the Rook, Knight, Bishop, and Queen on screen. The actual rules of the game were later created based off of the board from the TV show by avid fans.

What is Three-Dimensional Chess or 3-D Chess?


(DAILY DOUBLE) Super Princess Peach uses the DS’s dual screen hardware to cycle the eponymous character’s emotions to channel the elements to solve puzzles using this item.

What is the Vibe Scepter?


Featured in The Witcher 3 this card-based minigame could be played against NPCs as an alternate route to quests or as a way to win various in-game rewards. It would later be ported as its own standalone video game in 2018, before being released in paper in 2025.

What is GWENT?


This abnormal technique used by Geologists can identify the composition of materials on site without any additional equipment. Although experts recommend that you shouldn’t use this technique on anything brightly colored or odorous.

What is licking rocks or "lick test"?
