Blue/ grey
What is a group of crows called ?
A murder
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
what is the Kuwaiti currency /شنو عملت الكويت
Dinar / دينار
what is writing on the saudi flag/ شنو مكتوب علىالعلم السعودي
لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
What bird lives in Antarctica and cannot fly?
What is the largest organ on the human body?
The skin
what was Kuwaits old name / شنو اسم دولت الكويت قبل
كوت / kout
saudi national day / يوم الوطني لي السعوديه
Beauty and the beast
What is a female elephant called?
A cow
What is the longest bone in the human body?
شنو تاريخ الاستقلال مال الكويت /when did Kuwait gain independence
June 19, 1961 /
منو الملك ايلي قال" يا تبقي الكويت و السعوديه يا تنتهي هع بعض" و "ما في كويت who is the king that said this statement / ولا في سعوديه في بلد واحد"
الملك فهد بن عبدالعزيز
Thing to splurge on
What is the oldest Barbie movie ?
Barbie in the nutcracker
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the moon and what else?
The sun
منو اول حاكم لي دولت الكويت/ Who was the first governor
صباح بن جابر/ Sabah bin jaber
who (full name) had the chicken and egg made up of pure gold/ منو (الاسم الكامل)كان عنده الدياده و بيض من ذهب
أحمد بن مهنا بن ابراهيم العنيزي
Her favorite child
Trick question she doesn't have any ;)))
Hummingbirds can fly backwards true or false?
What is the name for the holes on the Moon’s surface?
How many oil wells did sadam Hussain blow up when he entered Kuwait/ جم بئرنفط حرق صدام حسين لمن دش الكويت
٧٠٠بئر /700 oil wells
Does Saudi Arabia border Both the Red Sea and Persian gulf? /هل حدود السعودية مع البحر الأحمر والخليج الفارسي؟
True / نعم