ye olde gaming
epic gamers
gamer fandom
handheld history
the establishment

This game was originally manufactured by Atari, which released it in 1972. as one of the earliest Arcade video games.

What is Pong?


a Swedish YouTuber, comedian and video game commentator, formerly best known for his Let's Play commentaries and now mostly known for his comedy and vlogs. he has 50 million+ subscribers on his YouTube channel, and is the most famous individual on YouTube with the most subscribers out of everyone else.

Who is Pewdiepie?


these are people who attempt to beat games as fast as humanly possible, often posting their times online and doing live videoes of the attempts.

Who are Speedrunners?


This system Docks into your television and can also be taken on the go and boasts a 6 hr. battery life and a large variety of games that is still growing, it is relatively new, having only been released in early March of 2017

What is the Nintendo Switch?


This company started its american debut back in 1981 with the release of the Donkey Kong arcade cabinet

What is Nintendo?


This game, released in 1996, was Nintendo's big leap to 3D with their main mascot on the Nintendo 64, the game is still a fan-favorite of the whole series and the game sold eleven million copies by 2003

what is Super Mario 64?


He is an American Twitch streamer and Internet personality. As of October 27, 2018, he is the most followed streamer on Twitch with over eleven million followers and an average of over 59,000 viewers per stream

Who is Ninja?


this is an event Where groups of gamers come together under one roof, representing a country or city in a tournament for a large cash prize. often these events are televised or broadcast online for people all over the world to watch.

What are E-Sports?


This Console was released in 2011 and was Nintendo's sequel to the DS. Second attempt at 3D gaming. (Discontinued in 2020)

What is the Nintendo 3DS?


An Internet Game distributor, it's logo is a black square with a white hydraulic arm printed on it's front, it is used for PC gaming, and has an ever expanding library of games for sale.

What is Steam?


This system, created by Nintendo, helped revitalize the US video game industry following the North American video game crash of 1983.

What is the Nintendo Entertainment System?


English YouTuber, gamer, author, actor, voice actor, and former stop-motion animator known for his series "Lovely World."

Who is stampylonghead?


these arguments (usually online) between gamers themselves as to the superiority of the various systems and companies. usually beginning a year or more before the systems in question are even released. at their basest form they are summed up by saying "My X is better than your Y."

What are the Console Wars?


This Nintendo Franchise has been exclusive to handheld devices since 1999, boasting 7 sets of games and over 900 creatures to catch, as well as countless spinoff titles, an Anime, Manga, and several movies.

What is Pokemon?


This company is most well known for the God of War series and the Uncharted Series, recently releasing Spider-Man by Insomniac games on its most recent console.

Who is Sony?


This Console, released by Nintendo in 1995, was marketed as the first console capable of displaying stereoscopic 3D graphics. it could be said that it was the predecessor to the modern day VR Goggles, as they are similar in design, it was a commercial failure.

What is the Virtual Boy?


Canadian-Morrocan gamer best known for her live streams on Twitch, where she showcases her video gaming experiences, most notably in League of Legends and Fortnite.

Who is Pokimane?


These people are known for recording videos of them playing a game while talking about it, and talking to the audience, often the games are chopped up into episodes, and are released periodically.

Who are Let's Players?


This handheld console was released in the mid 2000s and featured 2 screens and a stylus, to play several types of games.

What is the Nintendo DS?


This company went 3rd party, but was known to be a direct competitor with nintendo.

What is Sega?


this character was created by Accolade, in an attempt to compete with Nintendo and Sega mascots Mario and Sonic, his games were released for the Super NES, Mega Drive/Genesis, Jaguar, the PC and PlayStation during the 1990s. 

Who is Bubsy the Bobcat?


The first person to reach Minecraft's "far lands" legitimately.

Who is Killocrazyman?


When large groups of gamers congregate under one roof to attempt to win a prize by beating all the rest at a particular video game (usually a fighting game) in an informal setting one of these has occured.

What is a Gaming Tournament?


Nintendo was the only person in the handheld gaming field until this was released by rival company Sony in the mid 2000s.

What is The PlayStation Portable (PSP)?


an American computer manufacturer and software house. It was founded by Harry Fox in 1981. The company produced video games and other software for the VIC-20 home computer, the Atari 2600 home video game console, and its ComputeMate peripheral. Some of their own computers were compatible with the Microsoft MSX or the IBM PC. The company ceased operations in 1988

What is Spectravideo International?
