Pacman - Pacman
Xbox 360
Who is the mascot of Sega?
Megaman - Megaman
Playstation 2
In Black Ops, who does Mason hallucinate seeing?
Tails - Sonic
Nintendo Wii
What character sucks the most (literally)?
Tracer - Overwatch
Nintendo Gamecube
What was Mario's original name?
Blanka - Street Fighter
Sega Genesis
What is the highest selling X-box game?
Akuma - Street Fighter
Nintendo Switch Lite
What female video game character would eventually be portrayed by Angelina Jolie in a movie?
Ryu Hayabusa - Ninja Gaiden
Gameboy Advance
What year was the first Pokemon game released?
Protoman - Megaman
Nintendo 64
In Minecraft, what is the name of the female character you play as?
Morrigan - Darkstalkers
Super NES Classic
What Eagles quarterback is on the cover of Madden 06?
Donovan McNabb
Sora - Kingdom Hearts
PlayStation Classic
What company developed World of Warcraft?
The Trapper - Dead by Daylight
DS Lite
Mario originated as a character in which video game?
Trevor Philips - Grand Theft Auto V
PSP - PlayStation Portable
Jungle Dif
Marcus Fenix - Gears of War
What was the first video game in the world?