When making callouts on Ascent, what is the name of this part of the map in bronze elo?
Over there
How much is the market value for Milk Brick?
What is the role of jungle?
Run around not ganking
What body part of Nami is hurting right now?
What is the most dangerous bone to break in your body?
What is Viper's real name?
What is the proper way to handle misbehaving employees?
Beat them with a broom
(Bonus points if in the jail)
What is a healer's role?
To steal kills from the ADC
What is Dusk's nickname for literally everyone?
What is the longest bone in the body?
On Icebox, where is the best place for Jett to use updraft to reach high places?
How many people can play at one time?
What is Nate's macro message?
NahIdWin: ?
NahIdWin: ?
NahIdWin: ?
NahIdWin: ?
NahIdWin: ?
What does Noah say when someone makes a comment containing literally any verb?
Do that to meeeeeeee UGN
What is the long bone located above the knee?
What is the best vandal skin in the game?
Wooshi wooshi
(I guess I accept Kurinami)
How many brooms are available in and around the store?
Not enough
Who does Cutest always ban?
Seraphine or Lux, cause fuck them both
How does Kryptk come into any call?
Another name for your thigh bone
Who can get it?
What is the official color name for the store name sign in our game?
PeePeePooPoo Brown
What is the proper thing to say at the end of a game?
The phrase Cortez says to say "Goodybye" or "gtg" from calls.
The human spine is made up of how many vertebrae?