name one of the forms rotom can take.
microwave, washing machine, refrigerator, fan, or lawn mower
what does naming a sheep jeb_ do?
makes it change colors
name one of the four trains in monopoly.
pennsylvania, B&O, reading, or short line
what is the only pokemon that can devolve?
how do you cure a zombie villager?
splash potion of weakness and then a golden apple
what are the four animals in parcheesi?
tiger, camel, elephant, and water buffalo
what is the evolution condition for inkay into malamar?
you have to hold the console upside down
how do you brew a potion of invisibility?
golden carrot first, and then fermented spider eye
what are the requirements to build a settlement in catan?
need 1 each of brick, lumber, wool, and grain, it has to be connected to a road, and it cannot be directly next to any other settlements
what pokemon can be trans?
what is this block?
nether reactor core
what are the rules of mancala?
The game begins with one player picking up all of the pieces in any one of the pockets on his/her side. 2. Moving counter-clockwise, the player deposits one of the stones in each pocket until the stones run out. 3. If you run into your own Mancala (store), deposit one piece in it. If you run into your opponent's Mancala, skip it and continue moving to the next pocket. 4. If the last piece you drop is in your own Mancala, you take another turn. 5. If the last piece you drop is in an empty pocket on your side, you capture that piece and any pieces in the pocket directly opposite. 6. Always place all captured pieces in your Mancala (store). 7. The game ends when all six pockets on one side of the Mancala board are empty. 8. The player who still has pieces on his/her side of the board when the game ends captures all of those pieces. 9. Count all the pieces in each Mancala. The winner is the player with the most pieces.
what pokemon would be best to use as an average bowling ball (8-12lb), munna, shroomish, voltorb, or venonat?
shroomish - 9.9lb
(voltorb - 22.9lb, munna - 51.4lb, venonat - 66.1lb)
in hermitcraft, what did grian write on the wall of doc's pit?
live, laugh, love
play a round of bullet chess. if you win, you get the points.
i hate chess