Red plumber man
What is PlayStations famous infection game?
What game is the famous banana Peely from?
What is the next PlayStation marvel game coming out this year?
Spider-Man 2
What was the most recent DC game?
Gotham Knights
Who are the two main characters of Last of Us?
Joel and Ellie
What was the most recent Marvel game to have come out?
Midnight Suns
What is the DC game where the Justice League fight against each other?
How many evolutions does Eevee have?
Which 2 characters are Lesbian in Last of Us 2?
Ellie and Dina
When did Roblox release?
September 1st, 2006
What was the second Lego Marvel game called?
Arkham City
What is the most praised Legend of Zelda?
Ocarina of Time
What two Superhero's have hit games on the PlayStation
Spider-Man and Batman
Warzone 2
In the Miles Morales game what was Miles best friend named?
Ganke Lee
What villain did Red Hood kill in Arkham Knight?
Black Mask
What is Ganondorf's last name?
What year did the PS2 release?
Island of Kesmai
What was the first Marvel game called?
Parker Brothers
What did Arkham Asylum originally release on?