A mobile game including airplanes
Sky warriors
Shooting game
Who is yellow and known as the Electric Mouse
Who has a shield
Captain America
What is green with a x
A mobile game sport that includes a racket
Batmitton clash
A fighting game with Nintendo characters
Super smash bros
Who is orange and known as the strongest Pokémon ever
Who is red and gold
Iron man
What is blue and starts with a p
A game santi rages at
Strongest battlegrounds
A twam shooting game with paint involved
Splatoon 1,2,3
Who is known for being a turtle in the water
Who is green and strong
What is small and gets 5 fps in games
Nintendo switch
A game on the oculus that includes your arms
Gorilla tag
A 1v1 fighting game with abilities
Mortal Kombat
Who is a small amphibian with blue and green skin
Who is white or black in other outfits
Black widow
What folds and their is different versions of
A real life simulator on Nintendo switch that uses bells as currency
Animal crossing
A game that you drive and hit a ball
Rocket league
This pokemon is fat and eats 800 pounds of food a day it sleeps while it eats
Who is blue and is a animal
Blue beetle
What was like the switch but it was purple and released in the 2000’s
Gameboy advance