This game features you as a purple dragon who runs around collecting gems and finding other dragons who have been turned into statues.
Spyro the Dragon
This was the first handheld gaming console of this millennium.
Gameboy Advance
Name the first three original starter Pokemon
Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle
In this board game players attempt to guess the identity of their opponent's character.
Guess Who
This playground game involves players chasing other players in an attempt to touch them, as a result they will be "it"
This game is Nintendo's most popular game.
Super Mario Bros
This was the first at-home gaming console of this millennium.
PlayStation 2
Inspired by a slice of pizza with a piece cut out, this characters reason for living is eating dots and escaping ghosts in a simple maze
In this board game players compete to be the first to send four pieces all the way around a board.
In this game, two teams use any part of their bodies except their hands and arms to try to maneuver the ball into the opposing team’s goal.
This game features a war between humans and an alien alliance known as the Covenant.
In 1990 this system debuted as an upgraded console to its predecessor The Nitendo
Super Nintendo
This character is known best for running extremely fast and collecting gold coins
Sonic the Hedgehog
Boardwalk! Atlantic Avenue! It all makes sense now. What coastal Garden State city serves as the inspiration for the various properties that make up the original Monopoly board?
Atlantic City, New Jersey
A children's game in which each child by turn jumps into and over squares marked on the ground to retrieve a marker thrown into one of these squares
In 2014, Google partnered with Game Freak and Nintendo as part of an April Fool's Day prank to create a new version of Google Maps populated by small creatures. This prank inspired what massively popular 2016 video game?
Pokemon Go
This was the third console, right after the Master System. Its best selling game was Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sega Genesis
This video game character is a genetically mutated marsupial
Crash Bandicoot
In this game players explore a peppermint stick forest, a peanut brittle house, a molasses swamp, and a gumdrop mountain,
Candy Land
This traditional outdoor sport where two or more teams each have a marker and the objective is to capture the other team's marker, located at the team's "base", and bring it safely back to their own base.
Capture the Flag
What is the name of the best selling video game franchise to come out of Disney's home-grown intellectual property (so we're ignoring Disney's purchase of Lucas Films)?
Kingdom Hearts
This was the very first gaming console ever released, even before Atari Pong.
Magnavox Odyssey (1972)
This character is often considered the strongest video game character due to his kill count of gods. He successfully killed the entire Greek pantheon.
'Jenga' means 'to build' in which language?
In this game, players must shoot the basketball until they score. If the person behind you scores before you, you’re out. If you score before the player behind you, join the end of the line."