the most creative simulator game?
World of Tanks
most played idle game?
most popular shooting game?
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
most played war game?
Battlefield V
the most played game in rockstar games?
the most popular simulator game?
Euro Truck Simulator 2
the most exspenvise idle game
Melvor idle
most shooter game?
Gow 3
what is the next games there are gonna release?
the least rated simulator game?
Oh... Sir!
most creative idle/clicker game?
Kiwi clicker
most underrated shooter game?
what game in rockstar games in least played
Smuggler's Run
the realisted simulator game?
powerwash simulator
Progress Quest
what is the least creative shooter game?
Rainbow Six Siege
what is the best shooter war game? (internet)
007: Nightfire
what is the oldest game in rockstar games?
Grand Theft Auto
the newest simulator game?
Le Mans Ultimate
the most new idle game?
the hardest shooter game?
32 Fistful Of Frags
what launcher have the most war games?
GOG games
what is the next next game they are gonna release?
Max Payne 2