Blue hedgehog
Popular NES game that has characters featured in 300+ games
Mario bros.
Game where players control large semi-aquatic mammals
Hungry hungry hippos
Nintendo console with removable controllers on the sides
Nintendo Switch
One of the biggest video game companies with a plumber mascot
Nintendo character with a red hat
Game where Nintendo characters battle
Super smash bros.
A game where player interact with a Rube Goldberg machine
Mouse trap
The Second US Sega console
Sega Genesis
The creators of Pong and the first home game console
Nintendo character that has a sword and wears green
A game where Nintendo characters race
Mario kart
Game that involves good money investment decisions
Nintendo's second home console
NES/Nintendo Entertainment System
Microsoft owned company that released their first console in 2001
Man with a mustache and a monocle
Mr. Moneybags
A game where Mario characters compete in mini games on a virtual gameboard
Mario party
A game with hexagonal tiles about settling and resources
Settlers of Catan
Nintendo's First 3d graphic Console getting its name from the amount of bits (bits having to do with graphics)
Nintendo 64
Sony owned company that has shapes instead of letters on console buttons
A character that is VERY energetic and people aren't sure exactly what species he is. his first game was on the PlayStation
Crash bandicoot
A survival/sandbox type game where players use 3d blocks to build
The root of childhood stress. A game where you must place all differently shaped pieces on the timed game board before it pops up
Nintendo's first motion controlled console released in 2006
Nintendo Wii
Known for the Pokémon games