you can play with a partner and you make a deal with a person that you did not mean to make now your working to get out of the deal.
what is cup head?
it new and you communicate with people to get to the end of a crime and you talk to android but you don't hurt anyone or thing.
what is Detroit becomes human ?
you play as pirates and you own your own ship you can interact with online players and you get money be getting treasure from a quest you can also steal fro online players.
what is sea of thieves?
you drive carts or bikes and you can play online or in C and it has all of are players.
what is Mario kart ?
you can create your own world , go on different servers and play online,and go in different modes.
what is minecraft
it a role playing game that is mostly in a fantasy world is a part of a long series.
what is final fantasy.
it is a survival ,battle royal game where there is different modes you can play.
what is fortnite?
you paint the floor ground and anything you can and try to win as you are painting you are also timed.
what is splatoons?
you travel through thing that help you teleport but is created by a mechanism and you have a series of puzzles that you need to solve.
what is portal 1?
you attack machines and you have to go on quest and talk to people to move the story along.
what is horizon zero dawn.
you land on a world where the ocean rules and the creatures are alien and you have to find one that helps to get rid of a virus that is on the planet.
what is subnautica ?
he is are favorite character but in a 3D world
what is Mario 3d world?
you can play with another person you are in a puppet show where you have to help you friend that is trapped by these cats.
what is battle block theaters?
it a game about a bacterial infection and a corporation trying to destroy it because it takes over the human molecular system and body making them to a monster.
what is resident evil?
it a free roam zombie survival you play in third person point of view and you can play with up to three other people.
what is state of decay?
he is a part of a village that looks like him but he adventures of to a different place instead of next to the princes and a puzzle game.and is a spin off
what is captain toad treasure tracker?
its a scary game where a beast is following you and it is named after a medical condition and is hard to defeat not only that but is a puzzle game.
what is amnesia?
it were the world is full of radiation and its a free roaming world and you have to talk to people to move the story and find you son.
what is fallout 4?
its a badly animated game and you play with people that looks like blocks and they are mostly kids not teens or adults.
what is roblocks?
it a donkey that steals a princess from a plumper and is trying to stop him from getting her with levels of barrels and power ups
what is donkey kong