whats the worst game ever
Apex legend
the best skin is
Recon expert
rlem is a good game what do u do when u die
u turn into a chicken
roblox jail break is the best game whats is about it
its were you u break out rob bank but u need a key card
guss a good game
the worst game is also
battle grounds
guess my favorite in fortnite
Electro swing
relm u can craft your weapons
u can craft a hammer
in speed run 4 memes what can u do
dance and speed run
2ed best game is
worst game is
rainbow six
whats the rare it skin
skull troper
in realm u can also
kill get weapons
guess the game im thinking of
e-girl factory
3ed best game is
rainbow six
worst game is hint its not a game
whats the rarest emote
defaut dance
in realm u can
in roblox what can u do in fortnite
every time u kill some one u get points to by skins
4th best game is
call of duty 3
5th game worst
is rainbow six
what dose call outs mean
it means people are on me im 10 hpp and means that i got the high ground on the guy
u can
craft a axe
your fav game
is nothing
5th is hint its a bad game that fortnite hate
apax legend