Me, myself, and I (Self-Awareness)
What can I do?
Other People
(Social Awareness)
Getting Along
(Relationship Skills)
What to do?
(Responsible Decision Making

What does it mean to VALUE something?

It's important to you.

Bonus 100 points: What is something you value?


Mindfulness is...

when we take time to focus on things right now. 


What is going on in the story below?

Jake and Annie were having a hard time playing with Legos because there weren't enough for them to both make a house. So they put their Legos together and build a house together!


True of False:

Everyone has a different level of comfort for how close they want others to be to them.



If you're not happy in school, at home, or in the community, what is something you could do to change that?

Answers may vary.

Make choices that make you happier!


What is one thing that is part of a person's IDENTITY?

Bonus: 100 points - for each example beyond the first (MAX: 400 points).

Answers may vary.

Culture, race, hobbies, beliefs, values, sexual orientation, gender identity, family, friends, community, etc.


I take a deep breath as I slowly run my pointer finger up my thumb on my other hand. I pause at the top. I slowly breath out as I run my pointer finger down the finger. Then I repeat for all five of my fingers. 

What am I doing?

Five Finger Breathing.


It's really hard to understand someone, impossible even, if we don't do what? (Hint: talking often gets in the way of this)

Actively Listen to them


What do you call the "bubble" around you that allows you to feel comfortable interacting with others?

Personal Bubble


Persistence is hard! What can you do to keep working when things get harder?

Answers may vary.


What do we do when we think about something from another persons PERSPECTIVE?

Taking someone else's thoughts, feelings, experiences into consideration. 


When a coping skill is working, what does it do?

Bonus: 200 points - How long should you use a coping skill. 

Helps to calm me down enough that I can control myself. 

Bonus: until you can be safe and express your feelings. 


What would be something the person below could think about to make the right choice?

I really like my friends new toy. When I asked to play with it before they didn't let me, so I think I'll take it from them and keep it. 


What might happen if you come into another person's personal space without their permission? 

Answers may vary.


If you've tried a few times to do something unsuccessfully, but you keep trying; what is that called?



What skills is being practiced here?

I won the spelling bee and Jake was really mad at me. He wouldn't talk to me all day. I think he really wanted to win and was upset that he didn't. 

Double Points!

Perspective taking.


What might the person do?

I just got into a huge fight with my friend and I think they like me anymore. I really want to smash something because I'm so angry!!

Answers may vary. 


What are two of the three different kinds of consequences?

Bonus: 300 points - name all 3. 

Positive (reward)

Negative (punishment)



Sometimes we can handle our feelings by using our coping skills, but sometimes we can't. What can you do if you aren't able to handle a problem yourself?

Ask for help. 


Something that we do without even thinking is called a?



When we ask someone about who they are, the people in their lives, and the things they are interested in, what are we trying to learn about?

The identity.


Why might someone not talk about their feelings or work on a problem that's making things hard for them?

Bonus: 200 points - what could they do so they can? 

Answers may vary.


When we make judgments about others based on how they look or who they are, what are we doing?



What does it mean to be a "good" friend?

A relationship between people who care about each other and support their wellbeing.


How do you build a healthy HABIT?

Bonus Points: 300 points - what can make it harder to build a healthy habit?

Keep practicing until it becomes natural or easy.

Bonus: bad habits
