What is the proper way to wear your mask?
Over your nose and under your chin
Where is the best place to get tutoring for specific classes?
Academic Support Center
Where is the Office of Student Life?
Second floor of the SUB
Name the three main dining locations on campus.
Panther Dining Hall, Ratskeller, and Panther Food Court (at the SUB)
True or False: Bed risers are allowed in all dorm rooms.
Where can you go to receive tutoring help with Calculus 1?
Math Advancement Center
What is located in the small brown building next to the Student Counseling Center?
Student Health Center
True or False: You are not able to eat while inside the Mary Star game room.
What is Rose's favorite color?
What times are courtesy hours and what times are quiet hours?
Curtesy hours: 24/7
Quiet hours: 10 pm - 7 am, Sun - Thurs
12 am - 9 am, Fri - Sat
What are the two main options for printing on campus?
Printers in the library and ordering from the copy center
What building is located next to the All Faiths Center?
Student Design Center
Where is the best place to find out what events are taking place on campus?
Approximately how many times has Ivan beaten Pokemon Emerald?
30 times
Name five appliances that are not allowed in Mary Star rooms.
Name three departments located in Harris Commons.
Housing, Admissions, Campus Services, Registrar, Financial Aid, Cashier's Office, Career Services, Psychology Department, International Student Services
Where is the Chemistry Resource Center located?
Academic Quad 405
Which website can you use to check the availability of laundry machines?
What is Abby's dream job?
Vet at SeaWorld
If you are 21+ and your roommate is under 21, how many guests can you have in your room when alcohol is present?
True or False: Students can receive free psychological counseling at CAPS.
Where is Security located?
Building 544
What is the phone number for the RA on Call phone?
What is the name of Lex's cat?