What is gamification in education?
Adding game elements to educational material.
Gamification promotes ____ between students.
What is a way that gamification can get students to interact with one another?
Team/group games
Ex: Scavenger hunt, trivia, jeopardy
What game is a student favorite, gives 4 answer options, and a time limit per question?
What happens if gamification is overused?
It will fail to engage students.
Why is gamification used in education?
To promote interaction and make learning fun for students.
Gamification helps reduce the fear of ____.
What is a way to motivate students to excel at games?
Ex: Kahoot, bingo
What gam gives students multiple ways to study their material depending on their learning style?
What happens if students have a hard time engaging?
They can feel left out by their peers, making it unenjoyable.
Why is gamification effective for students?
It makes learning enjoyable, even addicting, and can combine work and play for young students.
Gamification makes learning material ____.
What is a way to promote students to actively participate?
Offer prizes
Ex: Candy, extra credit
What game is played in teams and uses questions assigned to a certain amount of points to win the game?
What happens if students are unhappy about their group/team?
It can lead to students not actively participating.
What are the general ways to gamify an assignment?
Add teamwork, point system, leaderboard, and prizes.
Gamification is a way for teachers to track ____.
What is a way to get students to practice these games in their free time?
Play it once in class then offer prizes or study material for a fun way to study.
What game has a board and needs a straight line crossed out to win?
What happens if a game is worth points and can effect students grades significantly?
It can be stressful and feel like work rather than a game.
What is game that requires students to critically think?
Gamification gives teachers rapid ____.
Should teams be chosen by a teacher or by the students?
Depends on the game and the motivation level of the students.
What game is played in stations across the classroom to find answers?
Scavenger hunt
What happens if there is too much competition in a game?
It can unmotivate students to try and make them feel bad for their scores or placement.