Good game. Used as a sign of good sportsmanship in gaming.
Now- this one could stand for two things. It could be first person shooter or frames per second. A first person shooter is a game with guns and all that but the perspective is from the “characters eyes”. Frames per second is basically how fast your game is letting you see, the lower the frames is worse, 60fps is pretty much the norm.
Person versus person. A fight between two people. Used with more people as well but yk- people r weird- idky we name things so weirdly.
Artificial intelligence. “A robot with a brain?” AI tries to learn off of humans in order to do things the same way as us. AI is used in games for NPCs to have them move around in a normal way.
This is you’re appearance in the game, your “skin” is the clothes or skin color, hairstyles, and other facial features, depending on the game.
A delay between input and output.
Platform games
Lovely beautiful games where ya jump from place to place. I love them. Mario is a great example.
Survival multiplayer. I believe this an exclusive Minecraft term. Just a survival game with more than a few players. These can be absolutely massive like: The DreamSMP.
Virtual reality. Aka the reality you get when you put a headset on without seeing the real world. (I’m bad at explaining-)
An open ended game that you can complete whenever you want, however you want. Minecraft is a perfect example of this because there is no real “end”.
Someone who is painfully bad/new at a game. Aka a “Newbie”. This is an insult.
Super competitive gaming, money as a reward. There’s so much I could say about them- literally crazy people. Tournaments, teams. “Electronic sports”
Away from keyboard. Used when you’re playing a game and you have to leave for a minute so ur character goes into this “afk” mode or “idle” mode where you’re away so others know.
Augmented Reality. Our reality but slightly different. Using augmented reality you can add objects in the room you’re in. Crazy stuff when it works right:)
Downloadable content. Content you can add to your existing game to add more exciting things. Most of the time is just aesthetics but for FNAF for example: the dlc is a major update, sometimes a whole new game.
Someone who ragequits is someone so angry at a game (probably because of another player being mean or their own failings) that they quit and possibly throw something.. 0-0
Alternative reality Game. Games on websites or video or anything other than a regular video game or board game. They can be crazy cool things, mysterious videos with small text you can barely see or websites with invisible clickable areas.
A non-player character, basically a character in the game that you can’t play as. In Minecraft for example: villagers are npcs. Mainly shopkeepers or mission givers in games.
Health points. The amount of health you have in game.
Massively multiplayer online role playing game/s. So basically a game where you role play with others and it’s super heckin’ popular.
Grinding is the act of taking repetitive actions in a game to achieve some desired outcome.
Ultra hardcore. Another Minecraft exclusive I believe. UHC is like an SMP but it’s in hardcore mode and other players want to kill you most of the time. Only MCYTs play this I believe and they’re on popular servers I think as well.
Random Number Generators are what games use to get a random chance for loot and other things, it’s crazy sad if you want to be good fast if the the chance is low
Mana points. The amount of “mana” aka magic you have to perform a spell.
Mandela affect
This is not gaming related but it is cool. This is the phenomenon that happens when a majority of people think something happened but really it was different. Idk how to explain it but it’s a crazy phenomenon that happens to so many people- I bet it’s even effected you.