What gender plays more casual games Males or Females?
What do you call an animal that only eats other animals?
A carnivore
What is the popular cola everywhere around the world
What is one of the first "viral memes", where one is redirected to Rick Astly's famous music video
What is the most popular casual game?
What biome do elephants, giraffes and zebra live in in Africa?
What is a non-carbonated fruit juice and drink company by Coca-Cola
Minute Maid
When was the original Nyan Cat video released?
What is the most popular virtual reality game?
Second Life
What can sharks detect from several kilometers away?
What is a big iced tea company by Dr. Pepper?
Who created the original Troll face?
Carlo Ramirez
How do companies mainly advertise on games?
Banner Ads
What biome do Gila monsters and other reptiles live in?
What is an energy drink by Pepsi-Cola?
Finish this skit. "Look at that antelope driving a car!" "Nope! it's just _____ _____"
Chuck Testa
What benefits do casual games have for advertisers compared to other forms of games?
They reach a wider and older demographic
Which reptile has a 4-chambered heart?
Alligator or crododile
What is a juice drink that has fruit punch, pink lemonade and orange (non-carbonated) by Coca-Cola USA?
What is a meme that refers to a situation involving bad luck, accompanied by an unfortunate yearbook photo
Bad Luck Brian