what is the hardest block in minecraft?
how many approximate games are there in roblox?
40 million
What's better, normal battle royal or zero build?
battle royal (obviously)
when did CoD debut?
when did skyrim first debut
what is the main objective in minecraft
to defeat the ender dragon
who is the creator of roblox?
david and erik
who made fortnite?
Epic games
what is the best pewpew machine in CoD
The XM4
Who is the character you play in Halo?
master chief
when did minecraft come out?
what is the most played game in roblox?
what year did fortnite debut?
who created CoD
ininity ward
(bonus points) NOKIA
when did flappy bird come out
What is the first achievement most people get in minecraft?
getting wood
What is your fav game?
any, free points
What is the over all best season in fortnite?
season 2
who is the most famous CoD player
Tyler "aBeZy" Pharris
what is the name of the game doom slayer is in?
DOOM (obviously)
what is minecraft's OG name
who is the most famous player in roblox?
Admin, made in 2006
(if you guessed the year you get double points)
who is the most famous fortnite player ever?
Kyle Giersdorf/bugha
call of duty, yes or no?
say hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
if you did, good job