What was the first Disney movie ever made?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Who is our wonderful president?
Contessa Combs
What is Kentucky's nickname?
The Bluegrass State
What marks the end of each season?
A celebratory 5K
This is our current AVP
In The Emperor's New Groove, what does Kuzco get turned into?
A llama
How long has Tess been the Epsilon Sigma President?
The capitol of Kentucky is?
What are the two biggest ways GPhi raises money for GOTR?
Moonlight Soccer and Moonball
The head of the Shark Fam, this sister is part of Panhellenic exec, as well as SGA exec
Bailey Bullock
What are Donald Duck's nephews names?
Huey, Dewey, and Louie
The largest cave system in the world is located in Kentucky. What is it called?
Mammoth Cave
What is the age range for GOTR participants?
Typically between 8 and 14 years old
Our dear president is part of what family?
The Wild Family
What is Kentucky's state tree?
What is the main focus on the Girls on the Run Program?
To empower girls through running and positive self-esteem building activities
This sister is our intramurals chairwoman and our PACE chair.
Ashley Bruckner
What did Carl sell before he retired in the movie Up?
Our Madam President was in this pledge class
Fall 22
When did Ky become a state?
June 1, 1792
When was Girls On the Run established?
This sister has a moose tattoo on her shoulder