What Does It Mean to Like Someone?
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Who should learn driving and auto maintenance skills?
As a Team, figure out how many letters are between L and S?
6 (M, N, O, P, Q, R)
Who is Justin Bieber married to?
Hailey Beiber
Bobby is 17 years old. He is having some problems with his girlfriend. He feels that she is always checking up on him and says that she doesn’t trust him. He is feeling a lot of stress from this situation. He can’t seem to concentrate or getting anything done at school.
Healthy Vs. Unhealthy: A guy and a girl have been together for six months, and things haven’t been going so well. She decides to stop taking her birth control without telling him, because she thinks if she gets pregnant he won’t break up with her.
What is the proper attire for an interview?
Slacks, nice top, close toed shoes etc.
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What is the largest mammal?
Blue Whale
Sherri is 15 years old. She can’t stand walking home from school every day. She gets harassed and called names by men in her neighborhood. She is so anxious and stressed by the problem that she hasn’t been able to get enough sleep.
What do you think an abusive relationship would look and feel like?
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How do you clean a house?
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What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or no stomach?
A deck of cards
What country was the first to celebrate Halloween?
Manuel is 16 years old. Every day, he is getting into arguments with his math teacher. He feels that his teacher is treating him unfairly. Since he is so stressed out over this problem with his teacher, he gets angry with everyone else in his life including his mother and little brother.
What are the different types of love?
Affectionate, Enduring, Familiar, Romantic, Playful, Mania, Self
How do you build credit?
Open a credit card, pay them on time, don't max them out.
The person who makes it has no need of it, and neither does the person who buys it. But the person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
A Coffin
What is the rarest M&M color?
Angela is 16 years old. She feels like her mom puts too many responsibilities on her at home, such as taking care of her little sister every day. She can’t stop thinking about all that she needs to get done at home and school.
Share your healthy and unhealthy relationship habit
What are the 10 basic life skills?
self-awareness, empathy, critical thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, effective communication, interpersonal relationships, coping with stress, and coping with emotions.
I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?
Your breath
What was the highest-grossing movie of all time?
Ella is 17 years old. She just heard that someone at school has been talking about her and telling stories on social media that are not true. This problem is really starting to get to her.