what school did mr.r teach at be for bishop .
The school he taught at holy name before bishop
true or false if it is your birthday the tell the hole caf and then they sing happy birthday .
it is true
how many sports do we have in the school year .
the answer is 8
how many time in a month do pj day
we do it once a month maybe twice a month
what is the first subject do we do math or religion
it is religion
he has three fav sports baseball volleyball and basketball
what is the the most bought food at the caf
It is poutine that is the most bought food
what is the first sport we do in the school year
it is cross county
what is the first event that we go to the river side park called
it is called river fest
true or false do we do drama every day
it is false we do drama on friday
true or false does mr.r keep candy in his desk .
it is ture he keep candy in his desk if you be good .
true or fasle is there a disco ball in the caf
It is true there is a disco ball in the caf
what is the last sport we do in the school year
it is softball
true or false how many times in the year do we go skating .
we go two times skating once at pmc and at the alice and fraser
true or false we have music on a monday
it is false we have music on wednesday
what sports does mr.r coach in the school year .
it is 2 mr.r coach volleyball and basketball
true or false can the caf be a gym too
it is true it can be a gym
true or false do we a volleyball our only tournament the grade 7 and 8.
it is true.
what subject do we learn in the first term history or geography
we learn geography first the in the second term we learn history
true or false does mr.r a loud to say sigma ,rizzer , owen and more
it is false mr.r does not a loud us to say and if you do we get own some of our lunch time .
how munch is a cookie .
they are $1.50
true or false do we do sitting volleyball
it is true we do sitting volleyball
true or false do we do a winter fest every year
it is true we do winter fest
true or false we have four teacherrs that teach us our subjest